i made a video light with these "blue" white leds and the colors were terrible, then i started making combos, adding in bits of green (just a tiny bit of green) and red, lots a red, and finnaly got a usable 20W led light that worked better than the 50W incan.
it had
3 high powered white leds
a amber high powered led added selectivly for incadescent
both using optics at about 10*
many 8* Red 5mm leds for blending into the main
many 20* 5mm white leds for blending
many 10* amber leds for blending
a few 20* green leds for blending
4 knobs and 3 switches to controll it all
then a drop down difuser because of the mess of partly blended colors, and finnaly it worked.
then i got into the usual 8+ types of light in the field, white balance the camera TO the field light, then readjust the led light to match it. 2 second later my subjects were next to a window, readjust everything again.
then under Mercury vapor, 4 colors of florescent, sodium vapor, 3 yellows of incan (from low power bulbs to high) , and 3 colors of outdoor light, sunset sunrise and everything else. it could adjust to any of them , given enough time.
finnaly i went insane, and told people that the color was a film effect, and they should pay more for it
sooo, if you get some "white" leds, toss
at least a red in there, like the "pink panther" light , without it you will have ugly light.
another design i was looking at (long ago) was luxeon rings, because they interlocked, a 10ring of "white" a 6 ring of amber, and then stuff a red in the center, $1300 of just leds :-(
the ultimate would be something with RGB full blended (hard to do) with 12 instant microcontroller settings, for light matching.
i know how to get RGB blended now, but not blended AND thrown a distance, only enough for a floody light.
i use a 100W PWM incan now, because nobody else (assistant) could even operate the other one.
and a bunch of other stuff, but as for the on cam light, i am waiting for magic tri-color phosphors to be on leds, like on full spectrum florescent.
they are comming out with a new "warm" led that starts with a different blue die underneath, took them long enough, with it warm leds will be more efficient, but there will still be a big gaping hole in the spectrum.