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Newly Enlightened
May 22, 2008
Hi Guys,

I am new here and recently bought a brand new LED LENSER P7 from my local stockist here in Australia.

Wow - I've owned several LED LENSER models and have had mixed feelings about them, but this new breed of high performance Led Lensers is fantastic.

I got a little carried away testing it and actually dropped it from about a 25m height onto concrete. No problems with it.

Brighter than anything I've seen in its size and they claim 167 lumens. I'm lighting up everything.

I'll keep you posted as I play with it more.
cool...in australia! how much was it? it sounds nice...25m drop lol? a little carried away!?! could you take some pics if u get the chance to?
Hey Big,

I'm glad you like it.

I pre-ordered one a month ago because I liked the Lenser I had, until it was lost/stolen. I am still waiting for delivery.

In the mean time I ordered and recieved a Dereelight V2, which IMHO out shines anything I've ever had in that size.

I dropped my old Lenser a half dozen times or so and it never broke.

I got a little carried away testing it and actually dropped it from about a 25m height onto concrete.
Wow! either you're very tall or you dropped it from a balcony or something.:eek:
Well I'm not that tall.. I dropped it (by mistake) from the top of a cave formation in Victoria Australia.

Luckily I found It :)

I'm still not sure how to upload images to this - so bear with me while I learn..

Nice looking bit of kit though.. and so bright for 4x AAA

I just tested this against one of my old Maglites.. haha wish I didn't - now i'll never use it again (the mag that is).
I type "Led Lenser P7" into google and get a hit:
look at this marketing thing and have the same feeling as with every Lenser before: expensive crap!
* 164 Lumen,
* 4 AAA (a size and number that is "difficult" on its own),
* 700 feet (= 213 meter!!!),
* 130 hours
cant go together, as usual.
Some of the data is more than silly, f.e. that 700 feet.
What should that be? :thinking:
the distance one sees the light, when looking at it being turned on, there at 700 feet?
Dont they mention some kilometers for this usually? ;)
still the same, as with every of their products before.
than, in the description left below, there is suddenly "138 lm with 72 hours". What now?

imho that light is direct-drivish:
Starting with high output, immediately strong reduction with reducing light. As power consumption goes down, the reduction of output gets less - till the light fades away at those ridiculus hours given.
Not the strong direct-drive effect as with three AAA batt-lights, but still evident.

If there were a Fenix L2D to compare, You could have both lights run in the same seeming starting level, wait 10-20-30 mins up to 1 hour, the Fenix will kick azz that thing - for cheaper money, using the better batteries and better materials.

The only thing these kind of Lensers is very good, is the switch construction (but it cant tailstand, if someone likes that)

PS: know what 99,-- AUD are in US-$? for a single stage light :rolleyes:
+ You know what Fenix' cost?
Imho You got tricked by the manufacturer, as anyone purchasing a Lenser.
I think the newer lensers are improving. They have some interesting models up at BatteryJunction. Whether or not they're worth that price I'm not sure yet. But maybe I'll take one for CPF and see.
I do agree that some of the marketing numbers are complete and utter BS. From what I hear their lumens figures are pretty accurate (on the new models). But the runtime claims still makes me question the company's integrity.
The range measurement is standard ambiguous numbers that you'll find all over the place from every marketing department on the planet. I think we should just send them all to a colony in Antarctica and be rid of them. :devil:
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Welcome to CPF, BigTennisBall. Lenser is not everyone's choice but I agree the new Lenser range seem to be a big step forward for them. Enjoy using yours. Have a look around CPF, do some research and go get yourself some lights!
:welcome:I only own one Led Lenser product (7438) and it is a poor light in many ways. It is good to hear that you think that the new P7 is an improvement. I assume it is direct driven?
According to LEDLenser's website, the P7 is a three level light. Multi-level lights cannot be direct drive--there has to be at least a resistor in the circuit--and three levels would be awkward to implement without some kind of electronics.

My biggest on-paper reservation about LEDLenser's new generation lights is their particularly asinine multi-level switch UI. There is a simulation of the switch on LEDLenser's technology page. Once the (ugh) Flash loads, hit 'digital technology' and then 'quick cycle switch.' According to the simulation, switching between modes forces a temporary flash to max power, there's no way to set max power without holding down the switch, and there's no direct-to-off option. IOW, the switching pattern is max (momentary) - low - max (momentary) - high - max (momentary) - off.

If the actual hardware follows the simulation--BigTennisBall, is this how the switch works?--then the light is a lemon regardless of any other redeeming features.
I have several LED Lenser lights and I think they are all good quality lights. I own about 5 or 6 models with my favorite being a single AA light. I do not use them a whole lot anymore only because I just do not like the AAA battery holders. I wish they would make them so they ran on just AA's or C's. Even one which ran on one 18650 would be nice. I do not think they are the best by any means, but a good middle of the road product.

The name is probably misleading, I doubt it uses a Seoul P7.

As for the runtime, expect it to be around 2-3 hours. At 100 hours, it might be producing light, but probably not usable light.

"It will far outshine any other light of its size" Just a guess but good P60 drop-ins should have more performance then that at a lower price.

LEDLenser seems to be improving, but for the money, I'd rather go with another light.

As long as you like it though.

Hi Guys,

I've got a bunch of Fenix lights that I picked up on my last visit to HK..

The brightest Fenix doesn't even compare.

I don't claim to be any expert and realise the Led Lensers of the past have been questionable - however I'd defiantely suggest having a good look at these new models.

I'm about to go out now ad buy the X21 - 1068lumens - its got 7 chips in the head and boy its brighter than my car headlamps.
Was playing with my Fenix TK10 last night too

The P7 smashes it..

any opinions out there on the TK10?
The first container of LED LENSER HP lights landed in the US on Monday so the P7, T7 and 2 other models will be available within a few days. IIRC they're using Cree emitters, not SSC's. The HP lights all have a focusing optic feature so they have amazing throw.

I have never been a LED LENSER fan in the past but I encourage you to give the new HP line a chance and approach it with an open mind - it's playing at a whole other level than all of their previous product The HP lights have the focusing feature and run on common AA,AAA and D batteries but produce big output.
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