led lenser x21 or fenix tk40


Newly Enlightened
Jan 24, 2010
I want to get a torch this week and not sure which is best i have decide on the x21 or the tk40 and its just for walking the dog and a bit of fun and when i go camping so which is best anyone help me decide?
Hi, and welcome to CPF! :welcome:

You could be making a common mistake. The quality of most flashlights on this forum is 'other worldly' compared to the trash you see in supermarkets and a lot of high-street hardware stores. Even the humble neck-chain lights some guys here carry blow most high street '2D multi-LED monsters' away.

Unless you're walking the dog in the middle of nowhere then both are complete overkill. That's not to say they're not fun, I have a TK40 and I love it, but I wouldn't take the dog for a walk with it, it's my "I'm going across fields with no clear paths and no lighting at 3am, where's the damn footpath marker" light. Unless the objective is to blind the dog, I'd grab something more practical and easy to carry in a pocket.

You are better off with a small light that has maybe 100 lumens of light in a floody beam. In fact, you're better off with two small lights - a flood and a throw... the throw can be just in case you let the dog off the lead and can't find him.

Use the Google Search on the top of the page and do some research - there's masses here.
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both are good quality lights the x21 is brighter the TK40 cost less and as for to bright for walking the dog you don't always need to use full power all the time
i usually use a ROP Hi or 2D Mag running a terralux M300-600 lumen dropin running on 3x18500s for wallking my dogs at night
when it is dark i personally like as much light as possible
JetBeam MX1 is very nice light with simple interface (low and high turning a head) but it is a thrower which may be fine when looking for dog but most of the time when you just walk with dog you may want more flood.

You may wan to think about batteries you planning to use.
X21 is using D batteries, TK40 is using AA.

MX1 is using LiIon batteries, either 3 primary 3V cells or 2 rechargeable 18500 (or 18650 with extender). If you don't have any you looking at buying them and charger as well.

If you don't mind AAA batteries (I don't like them except single AAA light) you may look and smaller Led Lenser light. I've seen one in local Lowes for about $50 (under Coast brand). It will give you focusable light that you can easily carry in pocket.

Another option is a light that will have mix between throw and flood. I recently bought Olight M21 Warrior with SST50 led and I really like it. Is bright and has decent throw. I also like its interface. You change a mode loosening a head and tightening it back, then you use tail switch to turn light on/off or for momentary action. I like it because flashing (momentary on) a light does not change a mode.
It is using LiIon 18650 or 3V primary 123A, so again question what batteries you want.
does everyone o
else agree should i order the Jetbeam MX1 over the x21 and tk40 or is there more options? lovecpf

I would not take the Jetbeam MX1 over my TK40, no.

The thing with a lot of the powerful lights is that they are not a flood, they are a throw, meaning you get quite an intense solid thin beam, with a bit of a flood around it. Fantastic for seeing a long way, but not great for looking close up - hence why I use my little Romison more for close-up looking at the footpath.

You have to get the right amount of light in the right pattern. The TK40, MX1 are too throwy for dog walking. The X21 has an adjustable beam, but it's a heavy big beast, and if your dog is anything like the dogs I have walked regularly, you can almost guarantee you'd drop it. I'd rather not drop something that costs a fortune to replace.

They do all have a big wow factor... but I wouldn't make any of them my EDC light, least of all the X21 - just far too big and heavy... at 1.4kg it's heavier than my DSLR camera with the big zoom lens! 70 grams with battery is far easier.
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To throw another light into the mix, The Thrunite Catapult could work too. But as mentioned before, most of these lights are meant for throw(could be a plus or minus). I'd start with a more EDC type light for the everyday tasks, and then save up for one of the big lights.
I thought that I read on here somewhere that the Jetbeam MX1 was described as "The King of the Donut Holes." I'll let others that have one confirm/deny that, but if that type of beam pattern bothers you (it bugs me to no end) then you might want to consider another one of your choices.

Price wise, you're kind of covering a wide spectrum if you're considering the X21, which is a very expensive light. You're also looking at several different battery types. Do you have any preferences in terms of price and/or battery type? Can you narrow it down?
In the case of the X21, it would be more like... "and its just for walking the X21" than it would be walking the dog!
That thing is a beast and I have plans for the battery tube!
TK40 is amazing! with a diffuser it's a fabulous wide angle as well as being a finessed multi-level light.
I decided to order the Eagletec M2XC4 triple cree r2 cool white for £100 from Flashahoilcs and im sure its first of many and maybe the x21 next month lol
I love Led Lensers and have plenty of them but I reckon the big X21 is just too big for your intended use.

I also reckon the battery pack arrangement of 8 AA's in a carrier inside the TK40 is either a pain in the butt or a disaster waiting to happen but if you can get past that then it's the more practical of the two for your use.

That said, if I was ever to walk my dog at night I'd be looking for something smaller than the TK40 too.
Don't forget that both the TK40 and the X21 come with shoulder straps so you don't have to carry them when you're out walking. I've never used the strap with my TK40 but I've read other complaints about how it's not too well thought out. The strap that comes with the X21 with its two black plastic attachment rings that wrap around the body of the light look very well thought out though and the whole strap in general looks like it works well. I'd still not consider the X21 to be a maneuverable light as my comparably powered 4 D cell Maglite is a bear to live with when on the go, but its shoulder strap system at least looks like it makes life is easier with it than without it.
Do you intend to walk the dog, or fry it? As others have said, a TK40 on full beam is more like a car head light than a torch. 200 lumens is very bright, and even 100 is more than enough, though it's fun to have more. When I go for a run with twin lights outputting 350 lumens, cars tend to slow down to a crawl as the light is so bright, and they don't have a clue what I am.

If I had to choose one of the two you list, I would choose the TK40 because I like NiMH AA batteries. They are cheap, readily available, and very safe, and 2xAA lights are quite bright. But you are not me.

But do you want to recharge 8 AA batteries every few weeks?

You might want the TK40 for these reasons:

  • Frighten anyone you meet.
  • Self defence. Even 200 lumens should be enough to dazzle someone. You can also hit someone with it.
  • Fun. :D
  • Showing off. :D
  • I nearly forgot this one. Illuminating the route ahead. 100 lumens might do, 200 is enough, more is naughty but nice, as Salman Rushdie might have said.

You could first pick up a small torch, such as an ITP A2, for general use, and to find out what sort of brightness you can get from a pocket light. After all, why buy a moon rocket to take you to the corner shop?