maxa beam

Feb 26, 2006
I'm working on a 100-LED superpanel, but I don't want conventional stuffs. I hear Crees pull like 82 lumens each, so I figure a hundred of them with Total Internal Reflecters would be ungodly bright and fairly inexpensive.

Only problem, I live no-where near a Cree shop. So, is there anywhere to buy 'em online?

Oh, and does anyone know of any LED-sized Total Internal Reflector manufacturers?
I'm working on a 100-LED superpanel, but I don't want conventional stuffs. I hear Crees pull like 82 lumens each, so I figure a hundred of them with Total Internal Reflecters would be ungodly bright and fairly inexpensive.

Only problem, I live no-where near a Cree shop. So, is there anywhere to buy 'em online?

Oh, and does anyone know of any LED-sized Total Internal Reflector manufacturers?

Crees pull 82 lumens each?? :thinking:

A Cree XR-E can run from a small fraction of one lumen, to over 200 lumens, depending on the current you give it.

Cree shop?? :thinking:

CPF'ers buy bare emitters and emitters on stars online at various dealers.
Hmm, perhaps I should invest in nuclear batteries. Eh, I'll scrap the idea. I'll go back to my four-lamp HID design thankyew. I want to dethrone that Maxablaster of RA's.

(Ha, like that'll actually happen.)
Data already built the basic idea of your request...72 Cree's running 1.8 amps overdrive with lenses. Called the databank. Shines 1/2 a mile...easy!!
The problem is, LED's aren't made for throw, and that's what I'm trying to make, a throw monster. As I said, I'll try a multi-lamp HID design with a Total Internal Reflecter (Gonna be insanely expensive.) And UV filters.
The problem is, LED's aren't made for throw, and that's what I'm trying to make, a throw monster. As I said, I'll try a multi-lamp HID design with a Total Internal Reflecter (Gonna be insanely expensive.) And UV filters.

TIR lenses for Crees can be had for $1 apiece. LEDs don't put out that much UV.
TIR lenses for Crees can be had for $1 apiece. LEDs don't put out that much UV.
No, I meant for the HID idea. A TIR lens that large would be fairly astronomical.

LED's don't throw too well anyhow. Best left in the pocket.

The equivalent light output of five, 500W GLS incans.

But all in one direction.

It would look like a football field light tower array.
That WOULD be quite impressive, and that thread's convinced me.

It's withing my budget, and I have the time. I just really need the materials, and dispite help, I still cannot find 100 Cree LEDs. (The new-gen sort, with the 200 lumens someone mentioned.)
I need the lenses, too. Where did you see these TIR lenses for LEDs for a buck?
I saw the databank, but more LEDs with TIRs(Means that 100% of the light is turned into pure power) instead of reflectors (25% of the power is lost!) it'd probably be quite alot better.

And I have a few tricks up my sleeve for perfect collimation, which will be the key here. I used to work with lasers designed for gun sights. (Have to be absolutely PERFECTLY collimated.)