Left my Novatac 120p in a hotel room!


Newly Enlightened
Dec 8, 2007
I was on travel earlier this week and had my Novatac 120P with me. I was unpacking today and realized I didn't have the light. I have torn apart my bags but I think the light was left behind in the hotel room! :banghead:

It's a shame. It was a great light - had a tactical switch and stainless bezel. I've got a call into the hotel but I think the light is long gone....
I was just in Colorado for a week and brought like 12 lights with me.
I stayed in the same room the entire time.

I quadrulpe checked to make sure no soldier was left behind.

I hope they find it and you get it back....good luck!
It sounds like a fairly poor hotel if the haven't kept your light aside, they should forward it to you or at least let you know that it is there for you to collect.
Isn't anyone honest any more?
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I left my 85p in a hotel in St.Augustine Fl. called the next day they found it and mailed it back to me. Guess I got lucky so its worth a call.
1 more reason not to buy expensive lights.

edc's can and do get lost.

if i buy a $100 light and lose it id be pissed,

if i buy 2 $50 lights and lose one, no problem really.

some of these $450+ lights make me nervous,

and i dont own one.
I have nighmares about this!! I love my 120P, it's an extension of me anymore, and I feel naked without it. Oddly enough I can ussually tell when it's not in my pocket!
It's my freind!!
I hope you get it back, I'd be at a total loss without mine!
Gahhh i hate that.

Everytime i leave anywhere ive been overnight (friend's place, hotel, etc)

I always get the nagging feeling that I've left something behind. Thankfully i rarely do...but i feel your pain!

It sounds like a fairly poor hotel if the haven't kept your light aside, they should forward it to you or at least let you know that it is there for you to collect.
Isn't anyone honest any more?

We will find out today when I call....
So the cleaning crew already went home without turning anything into some sort of lost-and-found? I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get better news when you call back. I'd feel naked without something that I had carried everyday. And the human psyche has a way of attaching sentiments to property that was present in certain memories. EDC things have a way of racking up more sentiments than others, so I understand what you're going through. Not to mention the actual dollar value of your particular light.

Keep us updated.
You would be absolutely shocked at how many guns are left in hotel rooms. Cleaning crews find them all the time.
The cleaning people should be the first ones in the room after you. It would all be the honesty of their employees. I don't think a cleaning crew would have much of a use for a flashlight since the hotel should have lighting practically everywhere they clean.

I would expect the hotel management to tell a cleaning crew to be honest, but I wouldn't expect to leave $100 in a room and plan on getting it back.

I think the chances are fairly good that you will get it back.
Don't mean to hijack this thread with a "bunny trail story" but years ago I stayed at a Holiday Inn out by the airport near Detroit. I had been to Canada on a previous business trip and purchased my dream watch, an 18kt Rolex President. Long story short, was in a hurry, left the room, checked out, got in the rental car and got about two blocks away when I discovered my watch was not on my wrist and realized I had left it on the bedside nightstand in the room. Turned around, heart beating at quadruple speed, rushed back to room I had been staying in, found the door still half open as I had left it, rushed inside and lo and behold, there on that nightstand was my watch, right where I had left it! No maid had come to clean the room yet, nobody had been in it since I left. I cannot begin to tell you how shaken I was knowing how stupid I had been. From that day on I always did double and triple checks of every room I stayed in. I can feel for you losing that light for sure. Hope you find that the hotel has it and will mail it to you............

Light me up Scotty.............Terry
Re: Left my Novatac 120p in a hotel room! (UPDATE)

So...I called the hotel today and they said no flashlight found.....I figure some lucky cleaning crew person has no idea of the killer flashlight they now own (or how to control the user interface). I imagine when the battery finally kicks, they will be scratching their heads when the see what it takes.....

Oh well.....as fate would have it I recently ordered an RA Clicky so I'll have a nice EDC soon enough.

I'll still take the nice EDC with me when I travel, but I'll also have an affordable Fenix with me as well. The Fenix will be what comes out of the travel bag ;)