LEGAL knife size in Los Angeles CA?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
I'm planning a trip to L.A. in the next few months and would like to know what length knife I can LEGALLY carry.

Also is it just folders or can fixed blades be carried?

I REALLY don't want any legal troubles and would like to have piece of mind knowing I can kinda protect myself while in the big crazy city of L.A.

Thanks in advance for any help.:wave:
Thanks for all the help guys!:thumbsup:

I surely have no intensions on using it, but I feel a LOT safer having the choice should I be put in a bad situation.
Most good martial arts studios will be able to give you a couple of hours instruction in stick fighting. Do that and then get an appropriate walking stick and you'll be much better off. As in "Never take a knife to a stick fight".

No legal hassles but you might want to limp a little.
Jeez, man, where are you from and what parts of LA will you be visiting? It's a big, diverse city/county.

I live in a relativily small town in Michigan, The part of L.A. I will be visiting is not the nicest.

I'd rather be prepared than not..:poke:

I'm sure everything will be fine, but it is a big city/country and theres a LOT more people thus more of a chance for dumb things to happen.
Besides, I feel naked without one.

Looks like I'll mail my machete out there tomorrow..:crackup::crackup:

But seriously, thanks again guys.
Didn't think I'd get harrased for being prepared for the unexpected....especailly with LAs rep.
i always either have my folder or my LM charger with me just in case ... i suddenly receive a package and need something to open it with ... 😀

j/k 😛 (about the package opening part, not the carrying folder part 😉 )
Yeah, I heard 3" knife concealed is the way to go. I carry a Buck/Strider Police model with me all the time. Got stop by a cop one day because one of my car headlights was out of commisioned. For some reason, the cop asked me if I have a weapon with me. And I did not want to lie, so I showed him my folder. He asked me why do I have a knife with me. I just told him I use it for work to open boxes (which I really do use it to open boxes), and told me to put it away. Someone told me to NEVER tell them you'll be using it for "self defense." Not a big deal for them, so as long as you don't look suspicious I suppose. Cops around my neighborhood are starting to get really strict now.
i'm a little confused now

from the above link, going to here (Chapter 13.62 CARRYING KNIVES IN PLAIN VIEW)

it said , in LA county, knives are defined as with any blade that's over 3", and its prohibited to carry such knives in plain view.

but what about over 3" blade (folding) but not in plain view (e.g. a 3.5" folder in the jeans pocket)?

that should be good, right?
It looks like the following would be considered legal in LA:

Carry unconcealed a knife or dagger with a blade length under 3 inches. Not really considered a knife or dagger.

Carry concealed a knife or dagger with a blade length over 3 inches.

I have read and reread the LA codes concerning knives and daggers, and googled the particular sections, and it looks like this would stand. Of course, you would have to take a look at what the state of CA considers a dagger.

If its clipped in your pocket and the top of the knife FOLDING knife there is no blade length limit. I would not carry a fixed blade there, concealed or open carry. There are city laws there about carrying hunting/fixed blades, etc...

I will tell you right now from living here and having lots of cop buddies and customers, being a knifemaker if it folds and your not doing anything wrong, not acting like a thug or causing trouble you probably wont have any trouble. Its that one asshole that will bust you, they can call anything they want a dirk or dagger which is illegal in CA and you will have to fight it in court and the judge will decide.

With that said Iam 40 and have never in my whole life had any cop ever even question my knife I carry. I used to carry big huge folders everyday, now that I have my CCW I tend to carry smaller stuff. YE I live in CA and got a CCW, isn't it cool!:thumbsup: Carry whatever folder you want and there is a 99.9% chance you will have no trouble here.
Have a great trip!
I lived in LA county from 1977 to 2002. Last time I had a "chat" with a uniform, I handed him my Spyderco Military. He said "nice knife" and handed it back to me.
Far as I can recall, there is no limit on blade length if a folder with the blade folded. And it can be in a sheath on your belt or clipped somewhere. Heck I used to carry a 4.0 fixed blade regularly and never had a problem with that in some 10 years. The occassional sheeple would ask who I was going to kill that day!:shakehead Other than that, nothing.
I lived in LA county from 1977 to 2002. Last time I had a "chat" with a uniform, I handed him my Spyderco Military. He said "nice knife" and handed it back to me.
Far as I can recall, there is no limit on blade length if a folder with the blade folded. And it can be in a sheath on your belt or clipped somewhere. Heck I used to carry a 4.0 fixed blade regularly and never had a problem with that in some 10 years. The occassional sheeple would ask who I was going to kill that day!:shakehead Other than that, nothing.

Re-read the thread. Regulations for LA must have changed in 6+ years.

I echo what others have said here, don't be stupid with it and you should be safe. Also if an officer asks if you have a weapon, say no- but that you have a knife you use for work. No need to say "yes I have a weapon" just in case its the 1 jerk out of the whole force.

I live in Orange County (south of L.A.) but work / spend lots of time there. I tend to carry a folder no bigger than 3 inches, just in case.

It really does come down to the area you're in, like it's been mentioned, L.A. is a big county, and each city may have its own take on the knife laws.

What area are you heading to?
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