Lenser P7 Bicycle mount

I might also add that I am tempted to spend the extra for the Fenix TK10 or TK11, but I'm unsure of the suitability for a bicycle. Can anyone comment?
I'd get one of these(twofish lock blocks) to hold the light. From what I read here, it works very well.

As for the LedLenser, because they use an optic system, you won't have any spill, which mean you will only be able to see what the light is pointed at, not what is next to you. If you use it in flood, then you can see what is next to you but can't see what if further ahead. It could work for you, but I'd personally prefer a reflector based light that has both hotspot and spill.

Many people here use the Fenix LD20, or the older L2D-CE for their bikes. That could have a more suitable beam pattern.

Can anyone tell me if the Fenix bicycle mount will work listed here http://www.ledtorches.com.au/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=81 will work with the Lenser P7 http://www.ledtorches.com.au/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=87

If not, then what is an appropriate mount for the Lenser P7?

Thanks for any tips.

A simple but easy idea.Buy 2 pipe clips the type with rubber insert.Pop one on your handle bar,the other on your torch,fasten both together with a set screw,that is how my cycle has it.Downside is if you are stopping somewhere for any length of time some scroat would probably rob your lamp.Or this would work well,quite like to have a go on this:-

Thanks for the advice. I've gone for the Fenix LD20 and TwoFish LockBlock mount.
Hi Big Tennis Ball,
Yes a representative of LED Lenser emailed me a picture a week or so ago. The Fenix LD20 and mount arrived yesterday and I tried it out last night -- went well -- but wondering if I can get more out of it with better batteries (lithium?).
Which batteries are you using?

Initial output with all batteries should be the same, but runtime will be better with rechargeable batteries, and even better with lithium AAs, but rechargeable will be the cheapest overall.

Maybe you can have both, the P7 for throw, and the Fenix for flood. You can have one mounted to your helmet and one to the bike.
Then you should be good battery wise. If you want more output, then you'll have to get more lights. From what I recall, most pictures of the LD20/L2Ds mounted on bikes are mounted in pairs.

Are you looking for more throw, more spill, or more output in general?