I have been looking into getting a better EDC for a while now and I believe that I have found what I am looking for, a nitecore D10. now lets just see if some of you have the power to move my will and purchase a different light.
P.S. Who makes pocket clips for the D10 anyways because that will be an important thing when or if get the D10
I think you have done a great job of properly convincing yourself already.
But, (there's always a "but"

), I bought both the D10 and EX10 at the same time so I have used them both at various times.
I also have the LF5XT, so here's my take as one who has them all...
If the AA battery requirement were that important to me (and it sort of is from an availability standpoint), then I'd choose the D10.
However, I find that I now more often grab the EX10 because it's 1/2" shorter than the D10 and seems to be a little brighter than the D10 when using primaries (the D10 is as bright as the EX10 if you use 14500 rechargeables).
What I really like about the EX10 is not only that it's notably shorter than the D10, but it's diameter is about the same as the D10 which is surprising considering that a CR123 is fatter than a AA battery.
You have to set them side by side to see the difference between the two in diameter.
As far as the LF5XT, it's a great light with a very capable UI, but it's another 1/2" longer than even the D10 which makes it a full 1" longer than the EX10. Plus, while it's UI is pretty cool, I find that if I don't use if for a few days that I forget exactly how to program it.
So based on my opinion of these lights for EDC, I vote for:
EX10 first, due to it's small size, simple and intuitive UI.
The D10 second for the same reasons, but it's longer length make it a second choice.
The LF5XE third because of it's (unnecessarily?) long length and it's not-so-intuitive UI.
The reason I can put the EX10 first is because I typically keep around 50+ CR123's in my battery stash, and replenish as I use them up, so I'm not worried about running out CR123's.
However, when I go on a trip (which I just did to St.Paul, MN), I take the D10 specifically because I know I'll be able to pick up AA's anywhere.
I truly believe from my experience and having owned quite a few EDC type lights, that the EX10 and D10 lights have set a new standard for EDC.
The only light I like better for it's features and it's beam quality is my Novatac 120P, but it's LOT fatter than either Nitecore so I find that while I do grab it quite often, I don't use it quite as much as the EX10 when it's time to make a quick decision when I head out the door.
My .02 and I'm sticking to it...