Light For a Wee Flashaholic


Newly Enlightened
May 12, 2001
My four year old son loves flashlights. I swear, it wasn't my doing. He has two crappy toy flashlights that he takes to bed at night and shines around the room.

Here is the question:
I would like to get something a bit nicer for him but it has to be (relatively) safe for a four year old and it should have a low dollar per hour cost. In other words, no Surefire that chews up a set of lithiums in 60 minutes.

Any ideas?
How 'bout the new Streamlight Key mate? Advertised 96 hour runtime on 4 button cells, $10.00 retail and LED so it won't blind anyone.
Minimags and Brinkman Legends come in 2xAA and 2xAAA sizes and should be ok for a four year old. The Brinkmann comes with a tail switch. They are all metal and should be break-proof!
The McHappy was designed for this exact purpose:;f=14;t=001105

Although the McHappy is no more the AB Glo-Lite is also a great possibility. SE dc/dc LED with reflector runs on common AA batteries, glow-in-the-dark body that's *self-energizing*, etc.:;f=14;t=001127

Also sounds like he might like to have an AB Moonbeams as well:;f=14;t=001171

Lots more funky mods from the AB workshop too - just see my sig line for a link...


How about Princeton Tec's IMPACT II, LED light.

My father bought a flashlight to me when I am four years old as well but I lost it a long time ago. Too sad.
LED might be best--longer runtimes and no bulb to break.

how about the Palight Workman? has a very long runtime, and is pretty small.
it will shut itself off after 30 minutes, saving the battery. tough little light, too. for an even nicer beam, you can remove or reverse the lens.

only $15.

another possibility would be an attitude, impact or clipmate. they are tough, small, bright and waterproof/resistant. they are also inexpensive.

a CMG infinity ultra might be nice--but the head could be a choking hazard.

good luck!

I got my daughter a Lightwave 2000 for her bed time light. It has been going on the original batteries for over seven months and sometimes leaves it on overnight. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Fisher Price has a cool kids flashlight. It has a knob so you can change the color from green to white to red and it has a cutoff so that it turns off after a minute (if they're not holding the switch) so it doesn't kill the batteries. It is incandescent so you might want to fit with LEDs. Should be about perfect for a 4 year old. My kids had them (now I do) and I don't remember ever having to change the batteries with the automatic shutoff.
Wal-Mart has a cool RayOVac "lantern" that has a big reflector and uses 4 AAs. At our Wal-Mart it's not in the Sporting Goods or toys, it's where they display the RayOVac batteries and stuff; in the aisle near the toys. The lantern comes in a green, red, or blue body and has a pretty good beam and a "clickie" switch. Picked up a green one for my niece.
I gave my 6yr old my PT Attitude, and he takes it everywhere even in the swimming pool. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
How about a minimag with an opalec newbeam?
1. Slobberproof.
2. Shock resistant.
3. Long runtime.
I think your son would like the Brinkman Rebel /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gifit's cheap @15$(not cheaply made) and comes with cool filters /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif
Thanks guys. What a bunch of great suggestions. I think my first born will get a couple of cool new lights.

Now if I only knew what to get his 10 month old brother. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I second the FP light.

I second the Fisher Price light. It's got a terrible, sub M*glight beam but it's great for kids!
Re: I second the FP light.

Does anyone know who sells the Brinkmann Rebel?
Couldn't find a source.

Re: I second the FP light.

I got mine from WallyWorld for 15$(edit WallyWorld=Walmart /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif)

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