Light for walk, dual bright, flood/throw, AA, side switch


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 30, 2001
I haven't been active on the LED forum for quite a while and I'm see that lights have evolved a LOT since I've been gone.

Here is a need that I have:

My wife and I take a daily walk in the morning on an isolated country road with just about no traffic. Now it is starting to be dark that early (a little before 6 am). Our dog goes with us.

We enjoy the morning sky and the stars so we don't use a really bright light to light up our path. We have white Infinities that we have around our necks to light up where we are putting our feet. I carry a ProPoly Lux light so that if we hear a noise (deer, whatever) that we can spot light whatever it might be and then turn off the light for the rest of our walk.

I've often wished I had a single flashlight to carry to do both duties.

Low power mode with flood to light up where we walk (paved road).

Side switch (easy to use with gloves) to instantly click to high power, spot light mode.

Uses commmonly available rechargeables (AA Eneloops).

With all the advancements in recent years, is there a light like this?

The dual flood sometimes/spot light sometimes seems like a challenge. I'm thinking of the Streamlight Twin Task lights that had a few leds for flood and then something really bright within the reflector for spot lighting. Anything out there like this?

For now, I just carry two flashlights.
LRI Proton or Proton Pro?
Ramping up/down and beam changes when using side or center LED .
Lots of throw/spill when using center Cree LED. Uses 1 AA.
Love mine (Pro) I think the regular proton is
floodier but has no Cree emitter, just a cluster of 5mm's.
You should investigate the single AA - Photon Proton Pro (side switch) and Nitecore D10 (tail switch). Two small ramping lights.
Maybe the E20? Its got an adjustable head like a maglite to go from flood to spot. I dunno, it sounds like u want something that you can switch with a button not by spinning the head though.
Unless you need to spot something really far away, I'll second the nitecore D10. It's a tailswitch, but it's one very tough and usefull light. I've been very happy with mine...
Would good spill work instead of flood beam??


I didn't think I'll ever say this, but check out some of the newer LEDLensers. Some have multimode and a focusing optic.

Edit again: I forgot about the side switch. Then the proton is probaby one of the better choices.
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wow those uk zooms are pretty neat, too bad they are a bit dim. Multi-modes and focusable though, thats awesome.
Like Photon Joe said, consider the Proton or Proton Pro. The Pro gives more throw and actually a wider, though not as smooth, flood.

Thanks for all the ideas!

Anyone own both a Proton Pro and the ProPloy Lux 4AA?

I'd be interested to know how the throw compares.
Streamlight's ProPolymer 4AA Luxeon
will easily beat the (much, much smaller) Photon Proton Pro.

Not even a fair comparison. :)

But, i own 'em both . . . .

and i'd imagine the LRI Proton Pro would certainly
fill all your requirements.

Naturally, it's much smaller, and very, very EDC-able.

Ask me how i know.


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