Light saber Collection


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 19, 2002
39.42N 86.42 W
Don't know if this is the proper forum I think they are EL or quasi EL lights.

Left to Right, Obi Wan, Mace Windu, Yoda (new), Anakin/Luke-1, Darth, Luke-2

I guess I should get the Darth Maul to complete the set.....
Now the blades lit:

And the obligatory beam shot. :D
I got a couple of these (blue and red) when kbtoys clearanced them out for around $50, and they are a lot of fun. Very durable blades (?) that can handle decent abuse. They make the appropriate noises when you power them on, swing, and hit things with them. Great to terrify my dogs with. :)
Those are peace of crap. So pack them up and send them to me! :naughty:

Beautiful collection you have there!
I have been thinking of doing a flashlight in the shape of a lightsaber (with an optional traffic cone aswell)
I mean, as a Jedi you should create your own lifhtsaber so why not.
Now I really have to make something similar myself.

How long does the battery last in the EL ones?
Too Cool. Star Wars is coming up on its 30th anniversary some time in May, the 24 or 25th and G4 cable channel is doing a special about the future of SW.

This is exactly what is cool and uncool about CPF. It's totally cool, because there's always somebody who has some different and really cool. But it's also uncool, because that one person influences others to spend money on stuff they never thought they would. Before, those light sabers were "just" cool, but when you see that somebody has a collection of them, they suddenly become something we want. I am so weak.
Trashman, you summed it up so well :sick2:
A few hours ago I was about to order one, but my wife caught me in the act and made it pretty clear that "we" did not "need" a lightsaber.
But now she's gone out ... :devil: ...and I will be naughty ... :crackup: :aaa:
I've played with some like those. When you turn them on or off, the lights "extend" in sections in concert with the appropriate and familiar sound effects, while motion and impact produce corresponding humming and clashing sounds.
David_Web said:
Now I really have to make something similar myself.

How long does the battery last in the EL ones?
I don't know how long they last. Some have three AA's and some have six. The Yoda takes three AAA's.

The big ones have 64 LED's in the blade from what I read. Plus circuts for motion detection, sound effects and driving the LED's in banks for the power on/off effect I would think they don't last terribly long. Ultra Sabers offers a mod to replace the LED's with a Luxeon 3 watter and a lexan blade that would draw less current than 64 LED's. Marginally.

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