Light the size of leatherman Micra?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 11, 2007
Auckland, New Zealand
I am looking for a keychain light to go with my leatherman micra and 4 keys for my scooter keyring.

I hate carrying stuff in my pocket, so I have several different keyring sets, and take what I need when I leave the house.

So I am looking for a backup light for keychain, will not be my EDC - thats going to be a Novatac 120P when it arrives.

So it must be no bigger than a micra, able to attach to key ring and tough.

Do not care about output, battery or type of light type-within reason, a laser stylus will not help.

Basically it will be for finding key hole in dark and similar tasks, anything important and I will dig out my EDC.

Suggestions please,

Arc AAA 2.7". Micra 2.5"

just did the same search myself. :twothumbs
Here is what the Arc looks like compared to a Leatherman P4, which is the same size (more or less) as the Micra:

I also carry a micra or a squirt. The Tiablo A1 in my opinion is very tough. I had it on my key ring for over a month and it still looks brand new.

The Micra is significantly smaller than the Squirt. A Photon/fauxton is really the only light that meets the OP's requirements.
Here is what the Arc looks like compared to a Leatherman P4, which is the same size (more or less) as the Micra:

More or less is right, the micra is slightly bigger. Funny thing is, ive seen that ARC+Squirt P4 storm grey combination on a keyring before..MINE! the resemblence is uncanny..;) :D
