In 1972 I went into a business attic after a burglar on PCP (Angel Dust) which was new on the streets and gave the users super human strength.
This attic was in the old building's rafters, with a false ceiling to the pharmacy, 20 feet below. I was alone at one end of the attic, my partner at the other. I carried a 5 cell "Kel-Lite" at the time which looked like a very early predecessor to the Mag-Lite. Although it was a 5 cell incan, it wasn't nearly as bright as today's descendants. Well, the crazed suspect lurched at me from behind a brick pillar and there in the rafters, the fight was on. Mind you, it was darker than a well digger's *** and I had to hold on to the wooden cross members with one hand and my flashlight in the other. I gotta tell you, I was scared three ways from Saturday night...of falling, of getting severely injured or worse by this animal, and of losing him altogether. Suddenly the beam of my light gleamed off an 8 inch hunting knife in his free hand, and that amped the situation up a notch. That "Kel-Lite" was like a steel pipe with a big turbo style head and I swung it with everything I had, putting "monkey bumps" all over his head until I accidentally missed with one blow and smashed the back of his knuckles holding onto the rafters. He yelped like a spanked hound and downward he fell, through the false ceiling and another 15 feet onto a Dr.Scholl's foot care display rack. He broke a leg, a hip, an arm, and separated a shoulder along with a smattering of contusions, abrasions and the aforementioned "monkey bumps". I made my way down into the store and took him into custody, then waited for the ambulance. Working the morning watch (graveyard as some call it) in downtown Los Angeles was frequently good for burglary arrests. Ten years later I was on the SWAT team conducting a very similar caper, only I was the one who fell two stories and broke my back. That was oh so many years ago, and I often reflect on those years and what I would have given for a couple of the fabulous flashlights we (I) have today.