Lights with locator mode - much more useful than strobe!


Newly Enlightened
Jan 29, 2007
I'll probably buy a Deree soon, one of the attractions being the new non-nonsense strobeless 3-stage pill. While thinking about this, I decided that my ideal pill for a 200 lumen light would be exactly as the new Deree (3 levels with memory) but with a locator mode - a dim glow lasting for weeks, just bright enough for reading a few square inches around the head when held *close* to a map or a book.

While I'm giving my "to make things perfect" list for mid to upper range lights, I would also like a remaining battery life indicator - say three leds on the body (which could act as locators?) - and a choice of lens, at least with and without diffuser film. Or failing that, for makers to list lens diameter and ease of replacement on their sites.
I think the light should go into a low output strobe when you clap.

Just make sure you don't have it out when you go to the theatre. :D
One of the early versions of the JetBeam CLE had a sixth beacon mode. Its a great feature, and more lights should have it instead of strobe. High>Med>VeryLow>SOS>Beacon modes make a pretty nice UI.