Lights with "Off" Timers

Flying Turtle

Jan 28, 2003
Apex, NC
I've always liked the idea of an "off" timer on lights. More than once I've fallen asleep with one on or found one turned on in a pocket. I like to fashion some kind of diffuser and maybe a shade to make a table lamp, and it would be nice to be able to forget about it and go to sleep. The first light with this ability I saw was a PlaySkool kids' light we got for my son. Shortly after discovering CPF I got a Photon 3 that would go off after a minute. Then there were the CK Sauce Lightwands and Lightsaucer that turn off after 9 minutes. The IQ switch from NiteIze will give you 14 minutes, and the Protons and Freedoms give about 3 minutes. I don't have a Novatac, but I believe it has a timer, too. Are there any more out there? I'd really like to find an Easter Egg in the LiteFlux LF3XT that allowed it, especially one that enabled variable timing. With electronic controls I think this is a feature that should be easily possible and one that would be popular, at least for me.

The Ra Clicky has an auto-off timer from any level.. It's permanently set to 10 minutes in duration after the last usage, and then it dims, blinks and shuts off.
I have an old PalLite [not the survivor model] that goes "off" after thirty minutes - it returns to its default 'extreamly dim glow' mode, which is a great nightlight itself. The light is not really bright so it might be just what you are looking for. The light is an amazing battery vampire for the 9v battery it uses. Neither the timer nor the light level is user adjustable.
I just remembered my Eternalight Derringer will shut down in 5 min. in it's first mode. Didn't realize some PALights did too. I've got an old one, the "e-Lite". Just turned it on to see if it does it. Never tried it before. I'm glad to hear the Ra Clicky will shut off. Maybe it will start a trend.

I actually hate off-timers. I keep needing to use my lights longer than the timers are set for.
I like the way the Eternalights have off timers. The four LED's click off one by one if you leave it on the first mode, to reset the timer you just hit "adjust." Awesome little light, very underrated.
I think the Princeton Tec EOS is suppose to have one, but I think it's only supposed to kick in after several hours.
I like the way the Eternalights have off timers. The four LED's click off one by one if you leave it on the first mode, to reset the timer you just hit "adjust." Awesome little light, very underrated.

I agree. They're great lights that are underrated, largely because they aren't as bright as newer lights. Still very useful, and will be for me for a long time.
The Photon Rex has a "hidden mode" that you can enable, that will dim, and then shut it off after ~ two minutes.

That's a very handy battery saving feature for when you have it in your pocket, and accidentally turn on the light by leaning against something.
novatac 120 has an off feature i believe.

Yes it does. It starts dimming after 5 minutes, then starts blinking before it turns off. Just tap the button to continue using the light. Comes in real handy sometimes, it can really save you from having a dead battery. It can be disabled if you don't like it though.
Besides the D2DIM, the nFlex driver also has an autosleep mode--15 min, 30min, 1,2,4, or 8 hours IIRC. I have a Milky-modded Mag 2C with nFlex, but I've never gotten around to playing with the autosleep mode.
Now that's what I'm talking about, a variable "off". Not being a modder, I had to look up D2DIM. NFlex sounds perfect. Too bad there's not something off the shelf for us electronically challenged folks that uses it.


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