Lightwave 2100 and Lithiums


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 19, 2002
Well.... you guys roughly get the picture.... **Grinz** I don't know if texas tactical is going to send me the bulb in a big carton which is going to cost well over $30 in shipping to singapore... I mean... a bulb is only so small, can they pack it in an envelope and send it over here? Well.. or maybe someone has a DBS bank account I can transfer cash to to help me ship over cos I don't have any master card/visa stuff...
First let me say thank you to everyone on CPF for their expertise and especially to Craig for his site. They've been both highly informative and great recreational reading. (My wife is so ashamed of that last part)

Needing a more pocket-able light than my LW 4000 (and supplementing my Energizer Lantern and Cuffmate) I have been sniffing around the LW 2000 for a while, but I wasn't at all hip on the twist-on switch and "ordinary, disposable, breakable cheap-***" look of it. My procrastination paid off and I ended up with the 2100 a couple of weeks ago. Very nice. Light, bright, white and durable. The rubber provides a satisfying grip and the switch is just what I missed from the 4000. It appears that one of the LEDs is just a hair more yellow(?) than the others, but no less bright. This was hard to determine since any examination, no matter how carefully angled, resulted in 1-2 minutes of near blindness.
I'm surprised I haven't seen more discussion of it here, given that Lightwave is a bit of a fan favorite.

My question is about using lithiums in it. I know about the resistance circuitry in the light (Add me to those that wish they would add full regulation, I know I'd pay a little more for it) Is it sufficient to protect the LEDs from the higher voltage lithium AAs? Conversely, does it eliminate any brightness gains from using lithiums over alkalines? (can't tell, tried, went blind. see above) I have the Energizer 1.5 volts lithiums in it now with no visible ill effect but would switch to 1.7(?) volt lithiums if there is a safe benefit.
I don't know about that particular light but several of us have put lithium AA's in LED lights. It may be debatable whether we shortened the LED 10,000 life, I don't believe I've ever heard a report of an LED dying in the near time future. Of course putting lithium AA's in incandescent's is another story.
Lithiums plus PT Surge = Burnt bulb which you can't get in Singapore. At least for now... anyone willing to send a new bulb to me? **Charity mode**
Your benefit with lithiums would be longer battery life, longer shelf life and you might see slighlty brighter light output. But I don't know if the difference would be noticeable to the naked eye. Oh, and it will make the light weigh less.
I have found lithuims are only brighter for a very short time and surprisingly don`t last longer... they are lighter, there cold weather performance and long storage life is a plus. I would not recomend them unless one of these benifits is what you are looking for. Their just to expensive for play.

Actually the $5.50 I paid for four of the Lithium Energizers was well within my fiscal pain tolerance, especially for the shelf life piece of mind it gives me.

Nerd, you had eight lithiums in a Surge?? Trying to invent your own phaser?
I've been using Energizer Titaniums (these are alkalines but I don't know what makes them different from normal alkalines) in a green LED Lightwave 2000. This brightened up the light somewhat in comparison to the Panasonic Pluses I was using. I have used it frequently (15 min. every night) for 6 weeks and it still seems slightly brighter than with regular alkalines. This may be one option for you for less cost. Yes, it knows its' ugly and refuses to come out of its' holster.
Originally posted by MichiganMan:
Actually the $5.50 I paid for four of the Lithium Energizers was well within my fiscal pain tolerance, especially for the shelf life piece of mind it gives me.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">MM,

Energizer lithiums for $1.38 apiece? That is an amazing price! Where did you get them, and are they new and sufficiently post dated?

Best regular price I've found is on eBay at $2.00 each + $5.00 shipping

I just landed an ever so slightly better deal on eBay for 24 AA e2 liths @ $47.00 shipped.

On the other hand, I got 6 223's for $6.74 shipped! Talk about cheap. That comes out to $0.56 each for the 12 123's I got from them!
Craig, you may remember because I think you took advantage of it too but a year or more ago, we got a great deal at for the Eveready lithium AA's at not too much over a dollar each if I'm not mistaken. Now mine are gone and so I pay the nearly ten dollars for four price at Walmart. Had I the chance to do it again, I would have bought a hundred during the IGO deal. I've said it before but if anybody ever comes across a great deal like that again, please post it loud and prominently here in the forum.
Yeah I remember that deal. I dug through the couch for change so I could buy as many as I could afford, and I think I finally ran out of them in November or December.

A 4-pack here would run close to $17.00; and I've only seen the 2-packs. Almost $9 for that. What a rip.

Of course, I'm also saddled with $14 apiece CR123 batteries in this toilet of a city.

They've got so many people so packed in this downtown area, that all the "good" stores like K-mart and Wall-Mart are way out in the woods, off the bus line because there isn't room to build one closer to town. While that's not too bad if you've got a car and can actually *get* to a target or a wall-mart, it leaves us car-less city guys rather screwed. :/

I do have a source for 123's if I need them (thank you - you know who you are!) but not for L91s. I buy them only if absolutely necessary, like when I tested an early CMG Reactor which recommends that battery type specifically.

Having just dumped my battery woes all over the floor, I can honestly say I've never tried lithiums in a Lightwave 2000, and I don't yet have a Lightwave 2100 to try them in. Guess I'd better have a little chat with Mr. Moen about that.
Energizer lithiums for $1.38 apiece? That is an amazing price! Where did you get them, and are they new and sufficiently post dated?

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I found them in the camera department in K-Mart. I guess I didn't realize I had such a bargain. I might have to go back and grab a few more before everyone here depletes the chain's inventory.
Originally posted by MichiganMan:
I found them in the camera department in K-Mart. I guess I didn't realize I had such a bargain. I might have to go back and grab a few more before everyone here depletes the chain's inventory.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Ok, scratch my earlier quote, it appears to have been a pricing "irregularity" that I fortuitously happened upon and which has regrettably been rectified. The $5.49 price will get you two Energizer lithium AAs, not four which run $10.something. Still thats a pretty good price. My guess is someone priced the four packs with the two pack price. Some K-Mart exec probably read it here and ordered it changed yesterday.