Lithium AAA in Maglite XL 100

Jim Holzemer

Newly Enlightened
Dec 18, 2005
Not wishing to disregard their recommendation, but looking for some perspective.

A recent inquiry as to the safety of using lithiums in the light elicited the following: " we do not recommend due to the discharge curve stays at a higher voltage.. this causes the LED to over voltage and reduce it's life."

Any thoughts?
Sure, if they use PWM regulation then each 'on' will have higher-than-normal voltage and current (LED properties), so you'd get shorter life, a hotter LED, and really not much more life. If you can monitor that temperature (or check the current) then it's up to you. But overdriving the light for long continuous use is likely to reach the thermal limits of the Mag Lite.
Check out my review thread (click my sig pic). I did a test, and lithium primaries are no better than NiMH in the light. Lithium primaries may be a good idea in lights that need a voltage boost (2AA), but in 3-cell lights, they're a waste of money and NiMH would work just as well. They would be safe to use though, as the light has buck circuitry.