LM301 or L1D CE , or, LM303 or P2D?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 23, 2005
Given the choice, which do you recommend from first hand experience ?

I'm tending towards the LM's as two levels is just fine for me, I don't really like multi-levels, preferring simplicity.
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I have all of them. If I had to choose today I would opt for the new Lumas.
I like their simpler U.I. and the excellent surface finish. With their OP reflectors they surely put out less light than the Fenixes but their beams are IMO more suited for the real world. When I walk around in my dark garden I am more interested in what lays in front of my feet than in what may happen 100 metres afar.
Their competitive price is also a good reason for liking them. :thumbsup:
This is exactly the sort of information I was looking for, thanks

I have all of them. If I had to choose today I would opt for the new Lumas.
I like their simpler U.I. and the excellent surface finish. With their OP reflectors they surely put out less light than the Fenixes but their beams are IMO more suited for the real world. When I walk around in my dark garden I am more interested in what lays in front of my feet than in what may happen 100 metres afar.
Their competitive price is also a good reason for liking them. :thumbsup:
Can you describe the differences between the two luma's in terms of output intensity and spill? Or is there a significant difference?
Given the choice, which do you recommend from first hand experience ?

I'm tending towards the LM's as two levels is just fine for me, I don't really like multi-levels, preferring simplicity.

Battery Junction has these two LM's on sale, and you should use "CPF2006" for an additional discount.:wave:
Can you describe the differences between the two luma's in terms of output intensity and spill? Or is there a significant difference?

Although the LumaPower recommends a 3.7V 16340 cell for the LM303 and a 1.2-1.5V AA/NiMH for the LM301, they can both use 3.7 cells. The 123 light is smaller than the AA light. Apparently the LM301 gets longer low power runtime from an AA than it does from a 3.7V 14500. In fact, they say it runs 16 hours on a single AA/NiMH in low mode. The LM301 is less expensive, and you can use a 14500 for higher output or an AA for longer runtime on low. If you go to LumaPower.com, you can download some nice brochures in *.pdf format.
Here's some specs taken from the Lumapower pdf file:

Note: Low Output lumens specs are oddly absent.

Rechargeable NiMH battery sources with advantage of large capacity and low internal resistance offers most reasonable power to feed LM301. A single 2600mAH NiMH can offer 95minutes of nearly-flat output for LM301 at Hi-out (350mA forward current) and 1,600minutes at Low-output. Alkaline is also recommended. LM301 is also designed for 1.2-1.6 E2 Lithium, But not for 14500 protected or unprotected batteries as Low runtime is affected.

LM303 is designed for users who need more output, new LM303 can feed with primary 123A or rechargeable Li-ion cell (16340). RCR123A do boost the output of LM303 with 60minutes of nearly flat output and 140 minutes plus with primary 123A (E2 Lithium). Lo-out with primary 123A offers 480 minutes (100% to 50%). The new LM301/LM303 obeys the rule to control the feeding current within battery's chemistry limit which offers almost full flat-output until the battery is drained completely.

Power output :
LM301 : with 350mA LED forward current offers max. 80Lumens plus at High.
LM303 : with 350mA LED forward current offers max. 90Lumens plus at High (123A) And 120Lumens plus when powered with 3.6V rechargeable Li-ion.

Runtime :

LM301 :
Hi-out with NiMH 2600mAh ; 95 minutes (from 100% to 50%)
Low-out with NiMH 2600mAh ; 1600 minutes (from 50Lux to 5Lux at 1M)

Hi-out with rechargeable 16340 600mAh ; 65 minutes (from 100% to 50%)
Low-out with primary 123A E2 ; 770 minutes (from 50Lux to 5Lux at 1M)
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Given the choice, which do you recommend from first hand experience ?

I'm tending towards the LM's as two levels is just fine for me, I don't really like multi-levels, preferring simplicity.
I agree with you, for me ,the two or three levels should be enough, in fact, many other persons just need the simple one, but some factory make the complex one,such as SOS and strobe, even some people no need the SOS mode, because the simplicity is important to personal life.:twothumbs
... because the simplicity is important to personal life.

You have to give Fenix credit in that you can select starting in Low or High with just a twist of the bezel. It's actually superior to the Lumapower in some respects because it's your choice. Just because there's a lot more features, doesn't mean it can't be just as simple when comparing the Low and High modes that both models share.
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One good thing about the LM301 that isn't evident from the product literature is that it gives you a choice. You can use a 3.7V 14500 cell and get higher output on high, or you can use a 1.2V NiMH and get long runtimes on low. Although a bit bigger than the LM303, it is cheaper and gives you these OPTIONS. Can't go wrong with any of the lights being considered.
Buy all 4 of them in true CPF tradition! Just kidding, but I do think they all have their good purpose depending on what you need.
Another thing to remember is the low modes of the LM301, LM303 and M3 are really useful lows. Unless you go to a light with fully adjustable low levels, I think these are the best fixed real-world lows I've seen for primary batteries, even if that doesn't work well with a 3.7 volt cell.
One good thing about the LM301 that isn't evident from the product literature is that it gives you a choice. You can use a 3.7V 14500 cell and get higher output on high, or you can use a 1.2V NiMH and get long runtimes on low. Although a bit bigger than the LM303, it is cheaper and gives you these OPTIONS. Can't go wrong with any of the lights being considered.

Some folks in the Reviews section have mentioned (1 and 2) that their LM301 isn't much brighter on 14500 than on NiMH.

How much brighter is your LM301 on 14500s?
I think the LM301 is subjectively about as bright as the LM303 when both are run at 3.7V. I contacted LumaPower, and they suggested that this would be the case but at the expense of shorter runtime on low.