Local idiot just went down

I wonder how they convicted him. I doubt the airline pilots could identify the male from 500 feet in the air.
Stupidity isn't a crime, unless it involves a laser and an aircraft in flight. Then, it's a federal felony with up to 20 years in the slammer.

I love how these Rhodes scholars lase the police helicopters looking for their butts. The next news story will be another Nobel laureate who gets ---- while lasing an officer on foot who is investigating the lasing report.
Up here in Seattle, for the past month we've had one or more losers still out there shining green lasers at airliners making their final approaches to Sea-Tac Airport. Our State Patrol even had someone shine one at one of their aircrafts! One person was brought in for questioning, but was released. It's not known if there are copy cats now.
I like the expression on his face in his mugshot. It says, "Beware: I'm quite the ignorant tool".

Once when I toured the Capitol building in DC, I asked the security guy at the metal detector if anyone ever tried to bring a weapon into the building. He said, "oh, yeah. We had a guy with a gun here a couple of months ago".

How STUPID do you have to be to try to sneak a firearm into the front door of the U.S. Capitol building? I mean, really, of all places. There are, oh, I don't know, 1000 armed guards itching to waste any fool who twitches the wrong way. I guess PT Barnum was right. Did he think maybe they wouldn't check?

You can't make up stuff like that. It has to actually happen for it to be real.

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