lockblock 180 vs DX copy?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2007
Has anybody used the DX version of the lockblock 180 (parallel channels)? I'm thinking about picking up a couple to test out alternate light positions on my helmet (and to run two+ lights up top!) and I'd hate to spend a ton extra on the twofish if I don't have to.

On one hand, its a very simple design that would take actual effort to screw up. On the other, weak plastic d-rings in the straps, or slick plasticy rubber could cause issues in the DX unit. What do you guys think?
I bought a couple but the DX site is down so I can't be sure they are what you are talking about. I haven't used them yet but the velcro strap won't go though my helmet vents because it's too short.

Would be an easy fix with a longer strap. I think those are readily available.

good luck
Actually, DX is working, its worldnic, or something like that... a DNS server. At least I think... Everything is working now that I changed mine.

Anyhow, I'm asking about sku 12000.
Has anybody used the DX version of the lockblock 180 (parallel channels)? I'm thinking about picking up a couple to test out alternate light positions on my helmet (and to run two+ lights up top!) and I'd hate to spend a ton extra on the twofish if I don't have to.

On one hand, its a very simple design that would take actual effort to screw up. On the other, weak plastic d-rings in the straps, or slick plasticy rubber could cause issues in the DX unit. What do you guys think?

I have the DX one, and I have the Twofish perpendicular mount. (Presumably the latter is made from the same material as the Twofish parallel mount.) The rubber on the DX model is slightly glossier and slicker, but not much, and I haven't had any problems with it. If you mount the load with its center of mass over the mounting bar, it oughta be fine. As LukeA says, it's hard to screw it up...
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I bought a couple, but I later decided I'd rather just lay the light right ON the helmet and velcro it to keep the light lower. Use a cut piece of tube folded over if you need to "prop" one end of the light to get the angle you want.
Well, my KD order came through today with the 180 degree twofish copies. Although I haven't mounted or used them yet, initial impression is that they are ok, and should work fine on the helmet. The compound feels notably stiffer and less tacky than my twofish 90 degree blocks, though, so I'd avoid el-cheapo units for handlebar mounting as I would think they may rotate more.