I just got sent a Lockerz invitation. Lockerz has a "points" system, which can be redeemed for stuff. They have iPods, computers, TVs, and most importantly for flashlights, Paypal cash. It's free right now, and looking at their business model, it should stay free. The experience right now is a bit lacking, with lots of "coming soon" signs, but the point system is implemented already. Just by logging on and answering a simple question I can get 4 points a day, which is fantastic considering the prices of things. For example, $50 in Paypal cash is 550 points. IMO, that has the worst value in the entire set of items. They seem to be legitimate. The friend of mine that sent me an invitation actually got a purple iPod nano a few weeks ago.
They don't ask for too much information either, although I haven't redeemed my points yet. (I'm new too!) I was quite surprised that they didn't ask me for my credit card!
Maybe we can get some free flashlights with the Paypal cash. Personally, I think that's worth the minute a day to log in.
Their website is, but you need an invitation. If you want one, I can send you one. Just send me a PM with your email. I don't think they send spam, and rest assured that I won't. lovecpf
I figured this wasn't advertising, since the website is free right now, but if it is, I'm very, very sorry.
They don't ask for too much information either, although I haven't redeemed my points yet. (I'm new too!) I was quite surprised that they didn't ask me for my credit card!
Maybe we can get some free flashlights with the Paypal cash. Personally, I think that's worth the minute a day to log in.
Their website is, but you need an invitation. If you want one, I can send you one. Just send me a PM with your email. I don't think they send spam, and rest assured that I won't. lovecpf
I figured this wasn't advertising, since the website is free right now, but if it is, I'm very, very sorry.