Well after my mate saw my LOP P4 upgrade he wanted one. "No problem" says I.
Well that was famous last words.
It was off with the head in my usual manner. Everything going as planned.
Next pry the emitter off.

and after my mate stopped

So with nothing to lose out came the dremel and after 20min of careful routing it lost its head.

Now how to get the driver out, it was epoxied in. As it just so happened I was cooking a chicken in the oven so bunged it in there for a couple of minutes, took it out and was able to push the driver out.
After pulling off bits of epoxy off I had a closer look and hats off to the person who soldered the wire they must be really skilled to be able to pick out two strands from the wire and hold them in place to solder.

Now for a heatsink I had a couple of my homemade ones that are about 4.5mm thick and with a little bit of filing and a quick squeeze in the vice I ended up with this.

Meanwhile my mate had isolated the bottom of the emitter with a thin layer of AA epoxy. I but a blob of epoxy on the heatsink and placed the emitter on it and screwed it up into the the reflector to get it to align and to keep pressure on it and left it to sit in the now cooling oven as I ate my roast chicken dinner.
This is what it now looks like.

I didn't bother with any photos of the wires soldered on as you've all seen those before, and yes it does light up.

So that's it, I think my warranty is well and truly voided.
