This is a recurring topic I think; "which batteries could I still get during a disaster?"
But it never made much sense to me, to be honest.
I mean, say there's a disaster, caused by a storm, flood, other natural disaster, war, or something else entirely.
Going out to get those batteries, is pretty much the last thing I'd want to do. Weather might be prohibitive, roads might be dangerous, I might suddenly have a large number of more important tasks to tend to at home, etc.
And the question start half way through the evaluation in a way. It starts with "I need more batteries in the middle of recovering from the disaster". Why not simply avoid getting to that point?
For anything of a reasonable duration, you can - and should - simply have those batteries at home. Even a few packs of cheap alkalines would do, right?
So what I'd really recommend is to plan for not getting any batteries at all. Rather evaluate your inventory of 18650s, 21700s, AA/AAA, stock on up L92s, low self-discharge "NiMH2"-type rechargeables (Ikea's are cheap and more than acceptable) and so on. And also chargers. Make sure you can charge from mains, car and solar (USB covers the last two, if you have a few extra bits)
It doesn't take a lot of money, doesn't take a lot of storage, why wouldn't you?