Looking for a bright flooder, 3 options so far


Jan 27, 2009
Orlando, FL
Looking to add to my collection. I have a Jetbeam M1X as my thrower, P1D on my keychain, and TK10 in my car. :candle: Why I need another flashlight? I dont know :crackup:I want more of a floody beam since my M1X is such a good thrower.

Right now its between the Olight M30, Eagletac M2C4, or Lumapower MVP P7. I prefer something with a diffuser but if not its ok also. Can anyone give me recommendations? Size isnt that much of an issue. Just want a nice floody beam to walk the dog at night and such...
M2C4. It has a floodier beam than the other two and better output/runtime efficiency AND better regulated as well.

The Ace-G is a good option as well, although its spill is not as bright as the M2C4 (i think)
Nailbender Luminous SST-90 P60 drop-in in a Solarforce L2 or Surefire 6P host. Need to bore out the 6P for 1x18650 though. I just recieved mine last night and it literally lights up my whole basement and backyard with a 'wall of light'. Comparable to my ROP Hi Mag mod but a cooler tint and smaller but much brighter spill. Doesn't get hot either, just warm. :thumbsup:
I like the ace-g, but the 1 mode is the only thing holding me back. I also don't want to have to build a light as I'm sure ill destroy it lol. It looks like the eagletac is a solid buy.
I like the ace-g, but the 1 mode is the only thing holding me back. I also don't want to have to build a light as I'm sure ill destroy it lol. It looks like the eagletac is a solid buy.

My SST-90 drop-in is 3-mode.

No "building" required really. You just put it together. If you can put Legos together, you can do this. ;)

  1. You get the drop-in with reflector, driver, LED, contacts and spring all wired and pre-assembled.
  2. Unscrew the head off the body of your host, place your drop-in in the head and screw the head back on.
  3. Insert charged 18650.
  4. Turn it on.
Can't get any easier. If I can do it, anyone can. :p

If you "destroy it" or any part of it, order what you need replaced and it is easily fixed. Plus, it most likely can be "upgraded" easily in the future should you require the latest LED technology.

But if you must buy from the factory, I was looking at the Thrunite Catapult (SST-50), Epsilon ED-P72 (P7), and Solarforce Masterpiece MC-E) pretty seriously before I went with my SST-90 drop-in.
It's not been released yet but the ITP A6 Polestar looks to be good value and being MC-E based should be a flooder

I've got one on order
The p60 style lights are by far the most flexible, you can get emitters as soon as they hit the market without waiting for companies to release designs (often by the time the lights are released the emitter is outdated!)and when you are done with a drop in sell it and get a new one =)

I have a c2 bored for 18650 with a nailbender p7 bright/warm and it floods really nice with 550 lumens otf tested or 650 otf with 2 123 primaries

The sst90 is next for me!
Im so confused :confused:

How do you bore a light? What kind of tools are needed for that? Whats a P60? I really dont want to have to mess with that or have to frankenstein a light together. Is there really no out of the box flashlight that has a very wide bright spill? The M30 looks a little brighter in selfbuilts reviews but ive heard about the flickering issue the M30 has. :poke: Sorry for my newbness. :eek:
My MD2 with M60W MC-E has 400+ lumens out the front with a flood beam to die for!!! - Keeps you nice and warm on those chilly winters nights too.

Looking to add to my collection. I have a Jetbeam M1X as my thrower, P1D on my keychain, and TK10 in my car. :candle: Why I need another flashlight? I dont know :crackup:I want more of a floody beam since my M1X is such a good thrower.

Right now its between the Olight M30, Eagletac M2C4, or Lumapower MVP P7. I prefer something with a diffuser but if not its ok also. Can anyone give me recommendations? Size isnt that much of an issue. Just want a nice floody beam to walk the dog at night and such...
Try the Malkoff M60 MC-E, it's pretty darn serious! I have one M60W MC-E in a SureFire C2, and NOTHING comes close when it comes to totally flood a place with bright white warm light. It's perfect for Zombie cleaning.
M60 is a bulb or what? I would have to purchase an expensive surefire flashlight, tear it apart, then rebuild it with a different bulb? :shakehead No thanks.
M60 is a bulb or what? I would have to purchase an expensive surefire flashlight, tear it apart, then rebuild it with a different bulb? :shakehead No thanks.
Leave the shaking head :)shakehead) out of your posts until you have a little more info. You don't need a C2. Go and get a $40 MD2 and then a M60 and you're set. You can get a discounted combo from Malkoff for $88 dollars approx. You won't have the extreme flood of a M60 MC-E but even the standard M60 is pretty floody but with some nice throw also....
Sorry but its just not something im interested in. Im not looking for something that is only pretty floody, and obviously im not educated about building flashlights so I will not attempt to build one.
Sorry but its just not something im interested in. Im not looking for something that is only pretty floody, and obviously im not educated about building flashlights so I will not attempt to build one.
I have had/have numerous M60 drop ins and the spill/throw combo is truely unique. Try one. I have tried over 100 types of lights in the last 12 months and the Malkoff M60's are still my favourite lights. With the advent of the MD series of Malkoff hosts, the perfectly upgradable and adaptable lights has truely arrived.

If you want floody, drop in a MC-E, if you want throw, drop in a M60, if you want warm, drop in a M60W etc, etc, etc.

These are just suggestions - you may purchase and then hate the Malkoff series of P60 modules but you would surely be in the minority.

You aren't 'building a light' - you are simply removing the bezel, removing a drop in and replacing it with another one.

Good luck with your search....

"p60 sized" refers to an assortment of drop ins that are the size of the original surefure p60 bulb/reflector combo

Here is the list of some of the choices in p60 size:

A "p60 host" is a flashlight body that can accommodate a p60 sized dropin; there are many choices from $15 to $500. Here is a list:

The p60 literally drops into the host, it sits under the bezel glass and has a spring to secure it in place...really it's just that easy. If you can unscrew a tailcap and replace a battery you can unscrew a bezel and replace a dropin, same deal different parts

There are literally thousands of different configurations possible with host, p60 sized drop in and battery choice at any level

For under $35 you can build an mc-e 18650 with DX parts that is a serious light...
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M60 is a bulb or what? I would have to purchase an expensive surefire flashlight, tear it apart, then rebuild it with a different bulb? :shakehead No thanks.
Build a flashlight? What the heck are you talking about?? The M60 MC-E is an LED Drop-in (module) that may come as standard in a complete Malkoff MD2 flashlight. I put it into a SureFire because I WANTED to have my drop-in inside the very best P60 flashlight host money can buy. The M60 stands for SureFire P60 standard, so you just unscrew the head and pop the LED module in, it's not a "rebuild", it's the same way you replace a lamp assembly or an LED module. Even a blind retard on meth can do it!
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"p60 sized" refers to an assortment of drop ins that are the size of the original surefure p60 bulb/reflector combo

Here is the list of some of the choices in p60 size:

A "p60 host" is a flashlight body that can accommodate a p60 sized dropin; there are many choices from $15 to $500. Here is a list:

The p60 literally drops into the host, it sits under the bezel glass and has a spring to secure it in place...really it's just that easy

There are literally thousands of different configurations possible with host, p60 sized drop in and battery choice at any level

For under $35 you can build an mc-e 18650 with DX parts that is a serious light...
+1 - great explaination.