Increasing the current delivered to a pack of leds in // is easy with AMC7135 boards --> just wire them in // and you add the currents.
Exemple : 2*1400mA AMC drivers in // will provide 2.8A
2.8A will be enough to light 4 Cree Q5 in //. Each led will get 700 mA which is really good for this led and won't get the die too hot (so preserving lifetime)
If you wire the leds in serie then you must add voltage.
Exemple : 2 Cree Q5 with a nominal VF of 3.7 V will need 2*3.7 V = 7.4V to be properly driven at 700 mA
And here is the problem... most components only handle 6 to 6.5V maximum. This is the case for AMC7135 and for µcontrollers...
As a consequence you are limited to his higher limit 6.5V when using these components... so the easiest solution (if not using expensive drivers) is to increase current... so to wire the leds in //
On my post above, I suggested that you could use 8 AMC7135 chips (or 2 1.4A boards of 4 chips each). This would be a cheap way to drive your 4 Cree Q5.
BUT these drivers have a drop out of 0.12V. So you need at least 3.7 + 0.12V = 3.82V which is the value of a fully charged Li Ion... So a single Li ion will be efficient ONLY 5 to 10 min... after the AMC7135 chip will be useless and more... will spoil 0.12V for nothing... and your leds will be direct driven with an unsufficient voltage (less than 3.7V) and so will get dim...
This why I have choosen this "strange" battery configuration 1 Liion + 1 NimH
a combination which gives always more than 3.7 + 0.12V... thus the AMC7135 will be active and the leds always driven at full power:candle:.
And a combination which always gives less than 6.5 V that is safe for µcontroller and AMC chips

(a fully charged liion is 4.2V a fully charged NimH is 1.5V thus 5.7V...)
But read carefully my posts to understand all the dangers (for your cells only) when using this configuration with "unbalanced cells" (nimh discharged and Liion charged for exemple... or not using a protected Liion ...)
Well, driving leds at more than 2A is not that easy !
But it is so bright :wave: