Looking for a new Yard Blaster


Oct 5, 2011
Cape Cod, MA
Greetings & best to all. Am looking for a new yard light. Not necessarily an EDC, but I do favor pocket clips. I do have an Olight R-50 Seeker and an Acebeam X-65. Am looking for a newer light that has a higher lumen count than the Olight, with decent flood and about 50-60K lux. (Could be more Lux, but my goal is to have a nice balanced beam.

I did have an Acebeam L-30 Gen II with the bigger battery, but I had to order another 21700 as another user on the forums indicated acebeam has had issues with their 21700. The beam profile was good, less of a spot than the L16 and still had the throw I was looking for. I'm leary of the Acebeam X10 because of the 21700 battery, but am all ears if someone has/thinks this is a good option. (wish it had a pocket clip though)

Another light that is catching my eye is the Fenix LR35R - 10K lumens, 60K candela, and what looks to be based on some of the vids I've seen a pretty balanced flood/throw beam. Also the XT21X is a little low on the throw aspects, and some of the reviews mention a pretty consistent issue with the side switch.

Am looking forward to hearing ideas and thoughts! (Basically 3-4K lumens min. and 30K+ Lux are the targets. Thank you all in advance! RC
The Olight Warrior X Pro does 300 lumens at 12,000 candela on low, and can sustain that output for over seven hours. The turbo mode is 2250 lumens at 90,000 candela and of course will drop as voltage and thermal constraints arise.

The beam is a little more on the throw side of things but isn't quite a laser pointer like some others. It's a great balance.

Maybe the lumen count doesn't match what your after, but it does extremely well in the candela department. The low mode matches the perceived intensity of a lot of lights making over 1000 lumens. I use mine outside all the time and it's perfect for that environment.
Acebeam L35 5000L, 57.6K Cd or 4300L, 81.2K Cd

half as powerful as the Fenix LR35R at less than half the price, though...
Acebeam L35 5000L, 57.6K Cd or 4300L, 81.2K Cd

half as powerful as the Fenix LR35R at less than half the price, though...


Interesting little animal that L35,, a 70.2 emitter w/ TIR
could be a really interesting beam
If you want to "wow" your family and friends. Try out the Malkoff MDC E2XT 3.4-6V head on a single e-series SureFire body with a KeepPower 16340 rechargeable battery. You will have 30 minutes of regulated runtime on a light that literally fits on the palm of your hand (maybe less than 4 inches?) and can throw a beam over a quarter mile. This package is actually comical, It will put a smile on your face every time you turn it on. I love mine.
If you will like more runtime run it on a longer e-body with a 16650.
Thank you all for the awesome suggestions! @199that Malkoff sounds pretty cool. I like the look of it. Pretty pricey though when it's all together, but sounds like a pretty nice light. @alohasurftoad & orbital, the L35 does look pretty interesting. Wondering how much different from the X10 it would be. It has a pocket clip and the price is better. It looks pretty new, and not seeing it except on Amazon - Batteryjunction and the likes don't seem to list it as yet. Do you own one?
i don't have a L35, it's too new, just stumbled upon it searching. the X10 would be a good "yard blaster" as well. we'll wait for you to get and review both of them, haha :D
The Acebeam X70 would be the ultimate yard blaster.
Yard is kind of a relative measurement, but my FW21 Pro lights up the empty lot behind me very nicely. Being an all copper body, it also looks pretty snazzy while doing it.
Greetings to everyone and thank you for the awesome feedback! @Alohasurf, I'll definitely update this post after selection and will include some thoughts/pics as well. @Seery - I have the X65, which is an overkill yard blaster if coyotes running around, I'll definitely light it up. Always fun puling it out, especially at distances larger than my yard. That said, X70 although will blast almost any yard/football stadium, not quite what I'm looking for. @Katherine, both lights look pretty good - How's the quality of the Astrolux? The lumintop looks pretty good - on the lower end of the Lux. Looks small and heats up quickly? It could be an option for an edc perhaps. Thank you all!! any other thoughts always welcomed -
@Katherine, both lights look pretty good - How's the quality of the Astrolux? The lumintop looks pretty good - on the lower end of the Lux. Looks small and heats up quickly? It could be an option for an edc perhaps. Thank you all!! any other thoughts always welcomed -

The quality`s great on both of these but the FW21 would probably take more abuse between the 2 but Most Anduril lights are of a good quality anyway. as for heating up, unless you get a physically large light with lots of Alu metal in there they`re all going to heat up, the Convoy M3 (also worth a look) is pretty good in this respect and sustains a decent amount of light for long periods without a problem, but it`s also bigger!
Astrolux is usually decent quality, considering they specialize in budget lights with high output. Good bang-for-the-buck.
Another vote for the FW21 Pro, it has no issues lighting up my yard and the two yards behind mine lol.
because of this thread(i blame RCLumens), i bought an acebeam L35 for myself(among many other things for myself) for xmas. every black friday i buy so many presents for myself, haha :laughing: