Looking for a not too bright single cell incan for EDC


Newly Enlightened
Jan 1, 2008
Hi everyone,

I'm still new on this flashlight business. I've read CPF for hours, and bought a Fenix L1D CE. It's a great little flashlight, but I can't use it because my eyes get sore with the LED white light. I should have known better, because I'm a bit sensitive to bright lights, and I cover the computers blue LED with black tape... A white LED is nothing but a high intensity blue led with some phosphorescent material. Oh well, I'll just file it as the price of experience.

I still want a pocket flashlight for EDC, so now I'm looking for a single cell incan, that is not too bright. If it has two levels, the lower must be confortable for night adapted eyes in full darkness, and the highest enough for walking outside in the dark. My intuitive knowlegde of lumens is still shaky, but I would say, either 0.5 to 2 lumens low, 10 lumens high (maybe). If single mode, that mode must be comfortable to use indoor.

Runtime doesn't matter, as I won't use it for extended periods. It can use any primary non-lithium cell (AA preferred but CR123A is also Ok). The size must be small enough to fit in a pants pocket. I'd say at most the size of a L1D - ish.

The Surefire E1E is an obvious option, but I worry that 15 lumens may be too much for indoor use. Also, I would like something cheaper. I would pay the E1E price if I knew it was a flashlight I would use for many years, but I thought that of the L1D and now it stays on a shelf. Also, I've read less than encouraging reports of flimsy tail caps.

So, do you know any single cell incan, with easily available replacement bulbs, preferably under $50-ish dollars that fits this profile? I know you may find a request for a dim flashlight weird, but please bear with me :)
That's a really tall order, because small single cell incans are going extinct. You can still buy a Maglite Solitaire though. It's a single AAA with an incan lamp. $7 at Brightguy, and you won't do a whole lot better for a very small incan.

You also will not find levels in an incan. They don't work that way.

Also look at the Photon Proton Pro. Yeah, it's LED - white and red. But you can dial it WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY down to almost nothing while running the white LED, or if its dark and you are adapted, you hold the button on for a few seconds and just the red LED comes on very low without ever turning on the white LED. Then you can ramp it up if it's too low.

And you have a real light if you need one. The Pro is very bright on max - I can light up my fenceline over 100 feet away.
Don't know of any single cell incans outside the Mag Solitare but if your interested in 2XAAA side by side there are a few lights available.

Pelican Tracker(7.8 lumens)

UK 2AAA Mini Pocket Xenon(10.7 lumens)

Princeton Tech Blast(14 lumens)

Lumen ratings are from http://www.brightguy.com/
Replacement lamps should also be available at BrightGuy.
The PT Blast is the only light I actually own and it is pretty small even though it is
2 cells.
Hi Leo and welcome-

Your request is somewhat tricky because of limited choices in this category. MikeLip has a good suggestion with the Mag Solitaire. They are inexpensive, well made and available at many stores. While I think a Solitaires OK for inside and closeup use, I do not think they are adequate for night walks. Try one and see. The investment is very small and it will find some use in your house.

Here is an old standby that might fit your needs. The TEKNA (now Tek-Tite) splash. It is small, light waterproof and well made. Brighter than a Solitaire but certainly not overpowering, IMO. Uses a CR123 lithium battery and a 222 bulb. You are probably familiar with the output of this bulb as it has been used for years in penlights and smaller 2xAA and 2xAAA flashlights. You can upgrade the output a little by installing a krypton 222 bulb. Fits well in the pocket and is quite light. Used for years by divers and hikers as a backup light.


What about an E1E or E2E?

I don't think 15 lumens is going to be too bright, because it's a more yellow of a light, it should be a lot easier on your eyes.

If you have a store in your area that sells surefires, and you probably do. You can go there and see what the beam looks like.
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[...] If you have a store in your area that sells surefires, and you probably do. You can go there and see what the beam looks like.
Thanks for the advice, but don't be so fast in assuming I have a Surefire store nearby (I'm on the ROW - The rest of the world :) (Europe BTW) ) I have trouble finding Maglites let alone SF!

< Rant mode on >: Did you know that the best local price I could find for a standard Maglite 3D is USD$43.95 and USD$20.44 for a Mag solitaire (+shipping). Some time ago I found a Mag 3D LED in a small camping goods shop for USD$105 (EUR 72 or USD$86.88 before tax). While ordering stuff from the US works allright most of the time, sometimes you get hit by the customs office, like the last one I made, where I paid an addicional $20.59 for an order of $38 or so. .< Rant mode off>

Thanks for the tips everyone. I'm afraid I can't order from BrightGuy because their international shipping is too expensive (like $80), so I'm now trying to find suitable online stores, preferably in the EU. As the various choices are not expensive I would like to order 2 or 3 different ones, but could only find the Tec Blast on toolshop.de.

Look into opticsHQ.com

I have heard they are very reasonable for overseas shipping. Also, check out our buy/sell/trade forum at cpfmarketplace.com. You might be able to find something you are looking for there (probably used however) and possibly save some money in the process.
There was a thread about single celled incans a while back. If I recall, Underwater Kinetics makes an awesome little two AA(?) incan that is very small because the cells are side by side.
Single cell: I agree about the Tekna Splashlite, if you don't mind using 123a. Tek-tite.com also has a few 1aa lights including an incan.
The SF E1e is probably way overkill for what you describe.

If you're ok with a 2aaa light, UK and Princeton Tec make nice ones. The Princeton Tec Blast was one of my favorites for a while. I still carry one now and then, just as a change of pace from the usual led lights. I run it on nimh rechargeables, so no battery expenditures, though replacing bulbs is something of a hassle (they are custom lamp/reflector assemblies, so you have to either get new ones from Princeton Tec or else replace the tiny bi-pin lamp which requires soldering). It makes maybe 8 or so lumens with a functional if somewhat blobby beam (coarse textured reflector).

There used to be a lot of awful 1aa lights that used the #112 screwbase bulb but I haven't seen one in years.

This being CPF you could probably get someone to customize a 2aa minimag for you by cutting it down to 1aa length and then putting in a Solitaire bulb.

Another possibility is to get a light with a colored led, like amber or orange. A red led is the best for night vision. Did you think about the LRI Proton Pro? It has a red led you can select, or you can dim the white beam to almost nothing.
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I'm still new on this flashlight business. I've read CPF for hours, and bought a Fenix L1D CE. It's a great little flashlight, but I can't use it because my eyes get sore with the LED white light. I should have known better, because I'm a bit sensitive to bright lights
Is it the brightness or the color that's the problem? You might try cutting a slice of a "color temp reducing" gel, and positioning it in front of your L1D. Another more ambitious option would be to replace the cool white LED with a warm white LED (Cree Q2 Warm White -- this is only slightly less efficient than the cool white, haven't been able to find a USA distributor)

I cover the computers blue LED with black tape
Most of the new devices that use blue LEDs drive them way too hard to act as simple indicators. Many of them are directional as well, which is stupid -- an indicator should be omnidirectional. I've actually taped over some with a fluorescent green tape -- turns the bright blue directional light into a soft, diffused green.
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Arc-AAA Premium Edition (Nichia DS LED). Not too bright and very useable indoors.

Actually you want the snow version, the ds is still blue by comparison.
It's on the arcflashlight.com accessories page. But, even its color will be comparable to the cree in the l0d.
Is it the brightness or the color that's the problem? You might try cutting a slice of a "color temp reducing" gel, and positioning it in front of your L1D.

Actually, I'm not sure what the problem is, although I suspect it's the color as sunlight doesn't have the same effect on me. I was trying to find an orange filter (or yellow) for my cellphone (which has white led backlight), and a CTO orange correction gel might well be what I was looking for. Thanks 2xTrinity.

As for the flashlights, I ordered a Mag solitaire and a Tec Blast. After I get them and use them a bit, I'll be sure to post how things went.
I second the Tracker, but only if you MUST have a low powered incan with poor runtime. Perhaps run it on ni-mh?

In fact I'll try that right now. I've got a Trancker but for some reason never tried ni-mh.

Ok, just tried this, and I can confirm the Tracker runs a LOT better on ni-mh cells. The alkaline AAAs are really garbage in terms of power delivery (falls on its face at anything above like, 3 mA...). With the ni-mh cells the light is almost regulated at the claimed 8 lm (probably conservative, like SF lumens).

So Leo, if you really want a dim light, then this route should work - Tracker + eneloops. Much brighter than solitare, yet still EDC-able.
If I had your requirements, i'd be watching the BST forums for a E1e and then begging the seller to ship to ROW. I think the E1e is perfect for your needs, I have a few here in stock form and love them. You cannot beat the beam, size, and overall utility of the E1e!

I also love the Lumen Factory bulbs and LED mini tower module, but I think the output on those might be too high for you to be happy.

Hello again,

It took a while, but here are the results. I bought the Mag solitaire and the PT Blast, and I'm carrying them both for some time.

The solitaire is very small, and I barely notice it in my pocket. It also looks tough enough. As you know it has an extra bulb in the tail cap, which is a nice touch.

My first impression was, wow, this is hopelessly dim to be of any use. However, the on the next days I found out it is enough for the little things I'll be needing a light for such as looking behind the computer or searching for something under the coach. In terms of confort, it is perfect, dim and yellowy, so no problems there. My main complaints is the unintuitive UI (unscrew to turn on and focus, screw to turn off), and the horrible beam, which is so so when "focused".

The Princeton Tec Blast is bigger than I expected, due to the large reflector and the clip on the back, however this unusual shape proved to have a big plus: It doesn't easily fall accidentally out of my pocket. Living in a light polluted city I haven't got the change to properly test this light, however from what I've seen it complements the solitaire very well, and I'll leave the solitaire for the close up tasks, which are my main uses of a flashlight, and the PT Blast for the unexpected situations. In terms of confort, the light is a bit unconfortable indoors at close range, but doesn't seem to have the same effect on me as white LED lights, so I can even use it indoors if the need arises.

With these two flashlights I think I got most of my needs covered. One nice thing is that they use the same battery type (AAA), and so I bought low self discharge hybrio batteries. I'm still using the supplied alkalines, which will probably last me a long time.

Thanks again everyone for all the useful advice.