Looking for a solution


Dec 21, 2006
Eastern Pennsylvania
I went to use my A2 today to illuminate a computer board I was working on. I ended up having to put a small book under the bezel of the light so it would shine slightly upwards into the computer case.

Has anyone ever seen something that would allow a light to be placed in it, or rest on it, or clamp onto the light and then allow the light to shine at adjustable angles?

I know a headlamp would make better sense here, but it's just easier for me to reach into my pocket for my A2 or E1L than to carry a headlamp.

when I work on my computer I usually disconnect everything and throw it on the desk, where my 100 watt werklight is sitting on....but I've used USB flylights to illuminate the guts before, works well if you dont mind the dimness....but if your reading words printed on the PC board its not going to werk:crazy:
Most of the time, I just crawl under the users desk, pop the side cover and install what quickly needs to be done. I'm not sure the Niteize product will work with my A2, or any CR123 light.
I have a minimag and Headband in a Mini Pock-Its
The headband will strech to fit my Fenix L1T v2.0 RB80. Do not have any Surefires to check. I guess you can always cut out the inside AAA loop to make more room.
LOL, if all other clamps etc fail...