Looking for info on Mag AA SSC upgrade


Newly Enlightened
Jun 16, 2006
I tried searching-- someone must have replaced the luxeon in a 2xAA or 3xAA Maglite with an SSC.

Any threads on this? Any output info? Is it a straightforward emitter swap (I have modded a MAGLED PR module). Thanks!
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I haven't tried it yet, but I expect it to be very similar to modding a Mag LED "upgrade" for the C & D cell lights. link

I did successfully mod my 4 cell Mag LED upgrade with a SSC USX0H without any real issues. The LED appears to be the same with the special bent leads that hold it in. I plan to mod my 2AA and 3AA MagLED's at some point in the near future.
Great, so it is pretty much the same as modding the MAGLED module. I may pick one of the 3xAA up as a supplemental light to strap to my helmet when biking. I guess with the SSC the 3xAA should be around 100 lumens?
Ok, so I tried this today. I put a SSC P4 USX0H in my MagLED 2AA. It was pretty much similar to modding the 2, 3, or 4 cell drop-in for their C and D cell lights.

A couple of pointers.

1) Get the "pill" out by pushing on the black base portion of the Luxeon LED towards the bottom on the light (obviously you need to take out the batteries first).

2) You will have to either cut off the small unbent exposed leads that extend out the side of the SSC, or file on the black "pill" holder as to not interfere with them.

3) If you don't shim the SSC the max throw focus point is very close to the
point where the light it turns on. I did not shim mine however.

I will take a kitchen bounce test shot later tonight when it's dark to see how it compares to the shot I took previously when it was stock for overall output. I can say that before the 3AA MagLED was much brighter than the 2AA. Now the SSC 2AA is noticeably brighter than the stock 3AA.
Thanks for the info guys. AlexGT, I already have some SSC's and was looking for a drop-in LUXIII host. Based on Chevrofreak's graphs, it looks like the mimimag LED on 3xAA NIMH is a good performer, and with the SSC would provide a good amount of light for 4 hours. I think I'll pick up a Mag 3xAA LED host.
Here are some bounce tests comparing the two lights and the 2AA post mod...

2AA MagLED (stock):

3AA MagLED (stock):

MagLED 2AA modded to SSC USX0H:
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I made this tool up to remove the pill from the light, The black ring is what holds the pill in the head. The tears in the cap were made by my attempts to get it out with 2 small screwdrivers.

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Excellent upgrade. I bet the 3AA MMled with SSC makes a super AA light.
Pity the 3AA MiniMagLED's are hard to find and very overpriced up here or I'd try this mod too. What current does the 3AA's driver put to the LED? Anyone know? I always assumed it was better to grab a TerraLux module for the old MiniMag... but maybe not.
I'm looking forward to this.

Keep in mind the 3xAA mag has pretty marginal output curve using alkalines, but is dead flat with NIMH. I was going to use eneloops anyway. Eneloops with a good charger to me are the best thing since the SSC and Cree.
Nice pics. Are you going to Seoul your 3xAA Mag as well?
I finally got around to modding my 3AA MagLED to a SSC P4 USX0H LED. It's definitely brighter than it was before. It's now noticeably brighter than my USX0H 2AA MagLED. :twothumbs

I'll take a ceiling bounce test shot tonight and post it in my big comparison here.