Looking for input on new L1D body design


Newly Enlightened
Nov 23, 2007
Redwood Valley, Ca
So heres what my first design looks like. I designed it based on what my problems were with the light along with the problems others were having with it. What do you think? What should I add or change? The overall diameter is about the same as the diameter now.


<img src="http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/gallery/files/3/0/5/8/6/flashlightbody_477552.jpg" alt="LED Flashlight Body Design" />

Revision 1

<img src="http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/gallery/files/3/0/5/8/6/flashlightbodyv2.jpg" alt="flashlightbodyv2" />
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Its there... I had to host it on a another forum, then I realized it was HUGE so I had to take it down and resize it. Its there now. :nana:
I thought my forum allowed remote links to pics. I will have to try to find some other way to host the pic. Sorry.

Edit: Maybe this will work for now. Its almost 3am and I am way too tired to try to figure it out. If someone has an image hosting site that allows remote links feel free to grab the pic and host it.

Click Me For Picture

Let me know if you can't see the pic when you click on the link. Sorry for my technological ignorance.
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The anti-roll feature is nice. I would probably prefer a cylindrical shape with aggressive knurling instead of the Fenix flat surfaces.
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Anyone have a preference of 8 flats vs 5 or 6? I am thinking about making this an possibly selling them. I will make 1 for myself but since I am setting up a CNC to do it its not much more work for me to make 20 or 30 or even more if theres interest.
Not sure. I would have to talk to my anodizing company and see what they would want to anodize the material and then look at how long it would take me to machine them. My guess is probably around $55 each but thats really rough now. What do after market flashlight bodies usually go for?
No, i prefer this one

with 6 flats as pictured
But anyway $55 is more than i would pay (i do not say it is too expansive, i would not put that money in a l1d but it is only my opinion)
Nice work, tkoden. I like the 6-flats design. Maintains the classic Fenix straight line look and the 6 sides is really ergonomic being held at three alternating points.
The last one is nice, i coul pay $35-$40 for it, or $20-$25 without anodization
I like the one with the flats better, or the round one but with no knurling. But, I think of the different lights you could choose to do this with, the L1D is not all that worthy to begin with, and its problems are more in the head and tail than in the middle part.

Given the CAD and CNC capability that seems on the table here, if you're looking for other suggestions of machined flashlight parts to offer for sale, I'm sure I could come up with a few :D.
You could design a 2*18650 body for the Fenix T1 for example :thumbsup::paypal:
The reason that I started with the L1D is because thats the only flashlight I have. I tried to get dimensions from Fenix but they didn't have any that they could give me. If someone wants to give me the over all length and ID of the P1,2 &3 lights I can probably make something that will work with those since they have the same head and tailcap.

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