looking for latest form factor 18650


Feb 15, 2007
hey all. i've made a few contributions on a thread here and there and feel i'm entitled to switch back to picking your brains mode for a thread or two. i'm looking for an 18650 light, maybe sgt burkett or L-mini style. i want something not much larger than aa form factor fenix l1dce. if there was a sgt burkett with p7 or mce i'd sell my kingdom for just one walk at night with that thing. but i dont think the world is ready for that. do you guys know of anything d10 style holding an 18650. i think i know of most of the lights out there but almost all have a satelite dish size reflector for throw and i just want something to keep in my pocket thats reliable and has a good warranty. why fenix hasn't come through for us is beyond me. is there anything out there i'm not thinking of or overlooking? what are your favorite 18650 edc's
gswitter, awesome link. i don't know how i missed that. i just posted a few questions for the builder. seems expensive though. does jetbeam have a good warranty and are they usually high-end price and quality lights?