Looking for less expensive equivalent to Malkoff Wildcat.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 20, 2019
I have a Malkoff Wildcat and love it and want another light that is comparable in throw, more spread would be nice but not required.
I don't use this light for my job and cannot justify the high price of another Malkoff for a light I'll just use around home, around the shop and in the woods when snowshoeing.
I would want it to use AA or 18650 batteries. I can get cheapo AA batteries free so that might be a plus although they are short life old time zincs.

High and low mode desired, I do not need any options beyond that. I would like very good build quality that will last me 20 years.

What do you guys recommend I look at? Thanks.
I don't know but I think if your out snowshoeing in the woods and the "budget" light craps out the Malkoff may then seem justified.
Honestly your Not going to get a quality light that will last 20 years that's cheaper then your Malkoff. And certainly not one that runs off of AA. Unless you want to use 8 cells or so. Not much information for you sorry but my 2 cents.
Isn't the wildcat more of a flood light than a throw light? I would say 47s Preon P2, but that's a AAA light... bylfixer's recommendation isn't a bad one. There are adapters that use 3AAs in place of a D cell. I personally wouldn't use the ones that turn 1 AA into a D cell because in my mind, I'd just use a 2xAA light in that case and have a much smaller light.
I appreciate the replys but I'm really not very flashlight knowledgeable. For instance I dont know what a "Maglite ML25 run off adapted Eneloops" is.

Could you all put the language into something a novice would understand?

I'll probably never be a flashlight collector or enthusiast, I just want a second light similar to the Malkoff I have but at a much lower price.
I think the Malkoff with the 2 cell body was way over $200, mayby close to $300.

I'm not an expert on Maglites, but I believe the model in question runs on two C cell batteries. The "eneloops" that Bykfixer referred to are rechargeable AA sized batteries, with somewhat more capacity (run time) than typical AA batteries. They can typically be found in packs that include a charger as well as a C cell sized adapters that allow them to power larger devices. Not sure about availability in your area, but I frequently find eneloop battery backs at places like Costco.

Edit: I think there are three cell versions available as well, but the same strategy applies.
I just want a second light similar to the Malkoff I have but at a much lower price.

Similar in what ways? Which Malkoff WC features do you want to duplicate? Size? 2-speed UI? Throw?
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The ML25's are outstanding lights that would be a bargain at much more than their modest $20 price point. One of the things I really like about them is the beam pattern: a huge spill just bright enough to see you surroundings up close and a small but intense hot spot for distance. The ML25 is what stopped me from chasing high lumens – a lower lumen beam with a big spill and a long beam distance is much more practical for me than a "wall of light" that kills whatever natural night vision you may have and doesn't let you see beyond the wall of lumens.

Original ML25's are single mode lights, but the newer 2C ML25 has a 15% low mode that is great in doors or up close and for extending run times. I don't think Mag has come out with a 2 mode 3C as of yet. The ML25's are twistys much like Mini Mags, which is part of the reason they are so compact for C cell lights. I find the fatter ML25's give a much better grip and are easier to twist on with one hand than the AA Mini Mags.


I don't like to use alkaline C's so I run mine on AA Eneloops in spacers or on protected 18650's in 3D printed adapters.



the mag lite deal hit your marks but the malkoff is gonna pay for that mag lite so many times in its life, its crazy .

ive had maglites leave me stranded in the dark. never a malkoff.

a streamlight hl5 is similar but just as expensive
Let's see. I am out snowshoeing in the woods at night and I want a cheap light to depend on that might save my life.
What is wrong with that statement?
Similar in what ways? Which Malkoff WC features do you want to duplicate? Size? 2-speed UI? Throw?

I would like similar throw but more spread. Size is not critical. I do not know what UI is. I want a high low option but dont need more modes. Prefer it uses AA or 18650.
UI stands for User Interface...the method by which one adjusts the lights output. I'm no expert here but I do own a Wildcat and nothing I have has more flood.
If you really want to go on the cheap you could get a Convoy C8+ (uses 18650, about 30$) and put scotch tape on the lens as a diffuser. Just a thought.
Do a search for "soda can." Here's a good thread, but there are a bunch: https://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?443000-Soda-Can-light-seeking

These run on 18650s and many have a good balance between throw and flood, due to quad-emitters with reflectors. You can find the BLF Q8 for around $50, complete with easy to use ramping interface. Click to turn on. Click and hold to increase brightness. Click and hold to decrease brightness.
Do a search for "soda can." Here's a good thread, but there are a bunch: https://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?443000-Soda-Can-light-seeking

These run on 18650s and many have a good balance between throw and flood, due to quad-emitters with reflectors. You can find the BLF Q8 for around $50, complete with easy to use ramping interface. Click to turn on. Click and hold to increase brightness. Click and hold to decrease brightness.

Thank you all for the information, I read it all and have looked into your advice.
I have looked at the BLF Q8 and it appears to meet my needs but I prefer the slim handle of my Malkhoff that has 2- 18650s in line.
I don't mind the large head, just want the smaller , 1" OD, handle.
Is there a light with the slim handle but the light beam of the BLF Q8?
I understand the 2 battery light will have less run time, I'm ok with that.

As far as my snow shoe time in the woods.... If my light fails I can still find my way home from the far way tower lights and my luminous compass. But a light is quite nice to have. :)

Thanks again to all for the advice and any more thoughts and advice you have are most welcome.
This seems to be a very friendly forum.
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