Looking For Quality Rechargeable 12-Volt Battery


Newly Enlightened
Sep 11, 2006
I'm looking at what my options are.
I would like to power a fish finder on a boat.
Here are the specs for it.

Instead of using a regular battery, I would like a smaller and compact battery for convience. Would like at least 6 hrs of use from the battery before charge.

I found this.

But it doesnt list the specs. So I have no idea how long it will last. Not to mention, lots of people complain about the basic charger. Would love a "smart" charger.

Also, a good place to buy it would be great.
would work, according to the info you should get about 10 hours.

if you pull it OFF the charger after charged, chargers like that wont ruin it.
but then if you dont keep it charged :-( it will get ruined too.
Me being lazy as heck and having to many power sources waiting to be available , one of them battery maintainer or tenders , is a better choice for charging it . then I dont have to think so much.

a better lighter, way longer lasting, but not at all cheaper choice would be 10X rechargable LSD C cells or D cells. then you dont have to constantlly piddle with it to keep it alive, it lasts some 10 years instead of 3-4, it stays charged If using LSD. and it doesnt get so low in capacity and become boat anchor so quickly. That just leaves Corrosion :-( because there would be a lot more exposed metal if not cased properly.

12V gell cell would be the average thing that will be used to replace the engine battery or trolling battery, that these thing would usually be run off of.

if you wanted to become an innovative tester of the latest lithium stuff, there is a Li-Fe-Po shaped psudo 12v replacement for those lead things, that should also last long times, stay charged fine, and cost even more right now.
sort of like this thing http://www.batteryspace.com/lifepo4...with10timeslongerlifeand597lighterweight.aspx

if you wanted lightest (but not smallest) not as "safe" you could use li-ion pack, thanks to the wide voltage range on the finder, like these http://www.batteryspace.com/14.8V-4000mAh-5200mAh-Battery-Modules.aspx then you would have to make sure it was Protected, and balance charge it, and still have corrosion issues, and it wont last any longer than lead :-( Costs more again, unless self built properly.

if you wanted Lightests AND smallest, and slightly less safe, a RC li-poly WITH added proper protection, would be cheap, not have as much metal exposed to corrode, comes now with balancing protections, but often void of discharge cutoff protecion you would certannly want. will only last about as long as Lead. would probably want case around it in bumpey boat banging it about.
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Hello A96Honda,

With those specifications I would go for something that has about 8 Ah of capacity. This would give you some "fudge factor" if you happen to stay out a little longer, and would also tolerate some wear and tear on the battery.

You can ask for their service ......
who and what service?

The issue I'm having is, there are so many. I dont know what to stay away from or lean towards.

I'm hoping to spend less than $50 on the battery. And charger... I dont know, whatever is required for a decent charger.
That battery is quite commonly sold downunder complete with smart charger and soft case, you should be able to find one at a boating shop, thier OK to power your nav lights and sounder for one day but not the best if your heading away from home for a few days.