Looking for real world comparison pics: P3D tints


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 4, 2007
United Kingdom
Does someone here own or have access to both P3D rebel 100 and Q5, and is able to take a comparison picture of them both outside somewhere in the dark, with a darkness control pic so that i can see if the Rebel 100 is worth the buy? If the tint is so profound, as some people swear by the rebels tint, then i would think about buying one. But its the difference is subtle then its not worth it, especially since its not quite as bright as the Q5.

Thanks guys
The difference between the Rebel and Q5 isn't subtle at all. The first time an LED junkie turns one on you'll know something is much different. To my eyes the Q5 is the definition of white, while the Rebel is as close to the color of an incan that LEDs get at this time. The only thing subtle is the tiny difference in output if any. I was unable to tell if the Q5 was brighter even if they were side by side. I don't have my P3D-Q5 anymore because it became a Christmas gift. :)

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