Looking for Single/Dual mode 1AA Light for RCMP friend


Jan 16, 2007
Hinton, Alberta
An RCMP friend of mine wants an edc light for carrying in rear or front pocket. She wants extremely bright single off and on, or at most 2 modes (with bezel turn etc).

We have looked at the Nitecore DI simply because it can be used as a single mode off-on light if you dont mess around with it, but the sharp bezel does some nice damage to pockets (ive found out with a couple wrecked pairs of jeans)

Any other suggestions for a bright single AA light for pocket carry? Priced around $100 would be great. We are looking for 'quality'.
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L1D Q5 works just the same as the NDI for having two primary brightness levels.. Also has no sharp corners, and about the same overall size.
I was looking at the L1T V2.0 and fenix actually carries them now, but i didnt want the L1D Q5 because there is the risk of activation between turbo and strobe (because ive done it a dozen times by accident myself) Thats why i wanted a single or at most dual mode so there was no risk of accidental mode switching or being in the wrong mode etc. So i dont think the L1D would work.

My only apprehension with the L1T V2.0 is the relatively low lumen output compared to what is achieveable now with the Q5's. 90 Lumens just doesnt seem to be enough. Maybe Fenix-Store can mod the thing for me to bring it up to a Q5 or R2.
Note that the bright ones will not work well (i.e. very long) on alkies. You'll need NIMHs or Energizer E91 type lithium primaries (1.7 V) for practical use. If your friend is out in the cold a long, then lithiums would be necessary, I think.

That said, I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality and throw of the $11 Romisen G2. I think it's limited to about an hour's run time on nimhs, but you might be surprised also...
I was looking at the L1T V2.0 and fenix actually carries them now, but i didnt want the L1D Q5 because there is the risk of activation between turbo and strobe (because ive done it a dozen times by accident myself) Thats why i wanted a single or at most dual mode so there was no risk of accidental mode switching or being in the wrong mode etc. So i dont think the L1D would work.

My only apprehension with the L1T V2.0 is the relatively low lumen output compared to what is achieveable now with the Q5's. 90 Lumens just doesnt seem to be enough. Maybe Fenix-Store can mod the thing for me to bring it up to a Q5 or R2.

Note my edit where I also suggested the Proton Pro. Since you are interested in maximum output, it may not provide enough for you. It's bright, but not Nitecore bright.

Here's a beamshot comparison to the Nitecore.

Note that the bright ones will not work well (i.e. very long) on alkies. You'll need NIMHs or Energizer E91 type lithium primaries (1.7 V) for practical use. If your friend is out in the cold a long, then lithiums would be necessary, I think.

That said, I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality and throw of the $11 Romisen G2. I think it's limited to about an hour's run time on nimhs, but you might be surprised also...

Yes, the RC-G2 is a great light. The beam is adjustable by twisting the head. It has a forward clicky and great throw. It is one mode (on/off).
I already told her that she's have to run rechargeable NiMH batteries for whatever light i get her... ill check out the rominson too. Ive heard surprisingly good things about their quality for being so inexpensive. Might have to pick one up and play a bit before letting her take it to work.
Single LED, AA, hi output, built like a tank? Will kick everythings butt up to and including Surefire in the indestructible department? Look no further than the Peak Kino Bay with P4 emitter. $69.