Looking for something like this....


Newly Enlightened
Jan 26, 2010

First actual post but I have been browsing on here for a couple of days, and I can't seem to find something similar to this light. Based on some of the cree drop in kits I have found I don't see how there is $266.00 into this light. (assuming it is a similar high power LED)

I am looking for a really bright (red) headlamp for pickup eyes at night predator hunting. I am fairly handy and have lathe, etc. so I can build my own housing if need be.

Or are there any options in a good off the shelf light, like this, but maybe a little less money? I don't really need the built in battery like this, but obviously that has some advantages.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Putting a high power red led into a well regulated light is probobly your simplest solution. You need a well regulated light as the vf for a red led is about 1.2v lower than a white led so somthing with just a resistor would not be good. One of the Prinston Tech lights an Apex or Eos is probobly a good bet, there are thread about doing an emitter swap.
there are a few options, zebralight (member and manufacturer) makes a high powered red LED headlamp, his lights are designed to be close up work lights though, they are pure flood. I'm hoping you are not hunting predators that closely. Another option is that nailbender has a thread where he makes drop-ins for 6P style lights, one of his options is a red SST-90 which is currently the most powerful single die LED available. He has a selection of different red emitters that he can put in drop-in for you. From there you can put it in a 6P style flashlight, or manufacture yourself a headlight. SST-90s are not cheap, the emmitter alone usually runs $40 so i would expect to pay double that for a good drop-in. Just some more options to consider.

edit: do predator eyes reflect red light? my dogs eyes always seem rather green in reflectioins, leading me to believe they absorbed all the red.
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Thanks guys, I will try absorb all this info and find the best solution... I searched for a while and couldn't find this good of info!!

As far as the eyes...
They look sorta orange/red with a red light. There are some guys, however that are now using just regular white lights.
