looking for ssc p7 thrower that's less than $60


Newly Enlightened
Nov 1, 2005

I've been lurking for a while trying to determine which is a good ssc p7 thrower. I was unable to ascertain which one who be the right candidate. I'm hopping fellow flashaholics like you all can to point me to the right direction. Does anyone know which is the brightest longest thrower?

I don't think we've seen anywhere near the throw potential of the P7 yet. It's not supposed to be a thrower, but it can be much more so than current offerings. We need reflectors designed for the quad emitter die of the P7.

I have a single cell direct drive P7 Chi-Com light that is fun to play with, but it falls far short of this emitter's potential. Just for fun, I ordered a 2x18670 P7 from DX -- it should be here in about a week. I'll post my thoughts when it gets here.
Since the P7 has a larger emitting surface, it would take a larger reflector to have the same amount of throw, so you would probably be looking at a light with at least a 3 inch head for something that would beat the better single die throwers.

You might be able to make one yourself for under $60.
I have tested the reflektor of my Ultrafire WF-600 Q2 with the Seoul P7.
It throws very well.

Maybe we can convince DX or KD to offer these reflectors.
I have yet to see the performance of a p7 with an off-the-shelf aspheric, which REALLY has my interest. If anyone with a P7 light would take beam shots, i'd split the cost of one of my optics-grade aspheric 52mm lenses and send it to them.
An aspheric will not give particularly good throw; the dispersion is too great. If you look at the datasheet for the Cree offereing, you will see that most of the light is contained within the region of +/-45 degrees, hence a lens with a ratio of 1:2 of focal length/diameter will capture the light within the +/-45 degrees. The P7 offereing is more spread than this. What it mat be worth doing is using a reflector to gather the light from +/-90 through to +/- 45 (I think a mag refl does this) and then use a lens at the largest (outer) face of the reflector (say 15mm dia x 26mm FL roughly) to collimate some of the residual light that would be spill, which may fill in the doughnut effect and supplement the peak brightness. Just an untried though but intend to play (my wife's words) with this method
I have yet to see the performance of a p7 with an off-the-shelf aspheric, which REALLY has my interest. If anyone with a P7 light would take beam shots, i'd split the cost of one of my optics-grade aspheric 52mm lenses and send it to them.

I was doing a Q5 aspherical mod, but later a P7 mod as well. So i moved the lens and made some comparison of it. True the dispersion is great and it doesnt throws as far as a Q5 does.

here is my thread from few week back.
@Der Wichtel: We really need to get KD/DX offer the WF-600/WF-800 reflectors seperatly.

Even it is just for me being clumsy scratching the one on my WF-800 Q5 :shrug:

Just tried that reflector with my C8 P7 and it works kinda nice. The opening in the reflector is allready big enough to accomodate the P7 :cool:

So let's put a few product requests toward our favorite HK Dealers!
If I need a thrower I would not get a P7.

L-mini Q5 left, SSC 5 mode P7 right:

When I consider how small the L-mini reflector is.

SSC-P7 top, L-mini bottom:

I think for throw I'll get a Q5/R2 with a big reflector.

The P7 works best for short to medium ranges at least until someone puts them in spotlights with foot wide reflectors.
@Der Wichtel: We really need to get KD/DX offer the WF-600/WF-800 reflectors seperatly.

Even it is just for me being clumsy scratching the one on my WF-800 Q5 :shrug:

Just tried that reflector with my C8 P7 and it works kinda nice. The opening in the reflector is allready big enough to accomodate the P7 :cool:

So let's put a few product requests toward our favorite HK Dealers!

There is also a aluminium version of the reflector but I don't think that DX will listen to us and offer these
It's possible to get extreme throw with P7 emitters. I have personal experience with my modded D Maglites and Tiablo lights. It even has amazing throw with OP reflectors in those lights. A D-size P7 Maglite, with stock reflector and driven to 2.8-3A outthrows my best CREE throwers and the hotspot is 4 times the size at longer distances, the spill is also ~3 times brighter. There are so many opinions about this new emitter, after working with it for a few months I'm really impressed. So impressed I'm converting some of my CREE throwers to SSC P7.



I have tested the reflektor of my Ultrafire WF-600 Q2 with the Seoul P7.
It throws very well.

Maybe we can convince DX or KD to offer these reflectors.

Thats very good to hear. Ive ordered a p7 over a month ago to put in the wf600 q2. kaidomains shipping takes forever......................

Im excited to see the results now :)
unfortunately my P7 died last week when I was testing a selfmade buck driver :hairpull: . I can't make any beamshots.

I have to wait until I have enough pocket money to get a new one.
So if anyone has has a spare P7 ... :D
sry to hear about your p7. :(

Im sorry to take this thread off topic but do you have any thoughts about what driver i could use, der wichtel?