Lost my Leatherman S2 EDC; ideas for carry options?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 7, 2008
For a few months I used a Leatherman Serac S2 as my EDC light. Great little light that was very unobtrusive and easy to carry. A Kershaw knife rode in my right pocket and the S2 rode in my left pocket, with the light inside the pocket but clipped to the pocket edge so the clip and tailcap were exposed for quick access. During the few months I owned it, I noticed the little light had a tendency to creep up out of my pocket, but it never moved enough to come unclipped. Unfortunately, a couple weekends ago while out on the town, repeated changes in position from standing to sitting caused the light to creep up and fall out of my pocket. Attempts to find the light were futile (if anyone found an S2 at The Highball Club in Austin the night of March 27th, be sure to call me immediately; I'm waiting anxiously by the phone).

I'm in the market for a new EDC light, and I'm eyeing the Lite Flux LF2XT. I like the size of the LF2XT, and the UI sounds great, but I'm worried about losing the light if I carry it the same way I did the S2. The shape of the LF2XT might help keep it clipped in place better than the S2, but I was curious about other carry options. I liked having the light clipped in my pocket opposite my knife so I could grab the light without digging around in my pocket, but having a light really handy doesn't do me much good if I constantly have to check if it's still there or if I donate another nice light to the good folks at the Highball.

Anyone have ideas regarding carry options that give me better retention of a small light such as the LF2XT?
Anyone have ideas regarding carry options that give me better retention of a small light such as the LF2XT?

Maybe a carry case? :confused:

I love this little guy; RRT-0 for an EDC.

FWIW, I settled on JetBeam, so if I seem myopic in my views, it's because I am.

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Bee, I appreciate the input, though I'll admit that I'm after a light that's much smaller in diameter than the Jet you have.

I suppose a could resort to a carrying case, but I refuse to use a case for my knife or cell phone, so the likelihood I'll go that route for a light seems pretty slim.

I saw a thread regarding carabiners/gate clips; maybe that's what I should pursue.
I use a neck lanyard or if it has a clip put it in my shirt pocket,not a big lover of much in my pockets ever or clipped to my pockets or you good go nandy pandy and get a man bag like they do in Europe.

I buy and use the tiny lights like ITP A3 etc for edc and if I plan on a brighter light will take something bigger out with me.
Bee, I appreciate the input,.....


I suppose a could resort to a carrying case, but I refuse to use a case for my knife or cell phone, so the likelihood I'll go that route for a light seems pretty slim.

Cargo pants???

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retractable keychain device. (i use keybak super 48)

i have a mcgizmo gate clip for those rare occasions i need to remove the light (to loan someone else)

from the clip hangs a lanyard attached to my flashlight

and that flashlight, is either hanging loose (vertically) inside my pocket or is clipped to the pocket. (depends of the flashlight and the lanyard length.. i have different length lanyards for different lights and use scenarios.)
Give a Streamlight Microstream a shot. It's roughly the same dimensions and only $20 so you won't break the bank if you lose it.
I like the Jetbeam RRT-0 I don't use a clip but I have seen a pic of the RRT-0 with the Nitecore clip and it looks fantastic and the clip works pretty good to. I'll see if I can find that pic. Ok I found it thanks to CPF member bondr006.

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