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Lost my Lunasol 27.... Not Found, But REPLACED !!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2006
Hey Guys,

This has been one horrible day. :mecry:

I received my Shark Holster this morning from Matthew at Art of the Hide today. It's beautiful and I was thrilled! I ran to my knapsack to retrieve my Lunasol 27, it was gone :mad:

For those familiar with NYC, I was over at Flushing Meadows Park 2 days prior with a friend at night. He's a budding Flashaholic and we were playing
with some of my lights and his newly acquired Tiablo A9. Well I packed my lights up and placed my Lunasol 27 in the side pocket of my pack because it is zippered. Well, I haven't used this pack in 2 years and forgot about the zippered pocket having a tear on it's side. I didn't see it because it was dark out and the Lunasol must have fallen out on our walk back to my car.

Well I just came back from the park, light was nowhere to be found. I checked my cars trunk hoping it had fallen in there, it's gone. To make it worse, it was my Father's day gift from my Wife...I'm sure she's going
to kill me.

I also have a beautiful Lanyard on the Lunasol that was given to me by Yaesumofo - SIGH!

I made up a bunch of Posters and put them all over the area where we shined our lights and along the route to my car.
Wish me luck!!

** Don, hope you don't mind me using your pic**


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Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

Good luck man. I hope your ending turns out like BobG's.
Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

The Lanyard is mounted so the the thing is ON YOU not sitting in a back pack!!
What a total bummer. There just aren't that many of the Lunasol 27's out there to make matters worse.

I have noticed that people who aren't interested in flashlights tend to ignore them even cool ones like the Lunasol 27. Maybe the person who picked it up will see your posters.

On the other hand Karma works in strange ways. Maybe you just aren't MEANT to have a Lunasol 27.
Who knows. But I will say this Sorry about the loss. Bummer.

If you get another Let me know and we will arrange for a new Lanyard same as before OK?
Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

It's a good idea to put an ID paper on the inside of the battery tube.
Good luck with your search.
Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. Good luck with the search!! :( I'm going to print out my name and address on a little piece of paper, to stick in my LS27 right now.
Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

I am so sorry to hear that!! Nothing is lost in the eyes of God, you WILL find it!
Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

Thanks for the kind words guys! Means alot to me :)

I did receive a call this morning....but it was from some lewd *******
asking me out on a date:rant:

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to put my cell number out there like that.
Let's see what happens.

Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

I did receive a call this morning....but it was from some lewd *******
asking me out on a date:rant:

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to put my cell number out there like that.
Let's see what happens.

:crackup:, Thats too funny...but you actually need to leave that number there, thats the only way someone will actually contact you...
Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

You know you'd gladly listen to a hundred heavy breathers if you got your LunaSol back anyway....
Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

Dude, that's horrible man. Especially that wacko call, now you know why I left NYC 7 years ago :eek:oo:.

I hope it turns up. If there is anything I can do to help out, let me know.
Have you told the Wifey yet?

Sorry Man!

Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

No, I haven't had the heart to tell the Mr's yet.
I'm hoping for a miracle before I break the news.

At least I haven't gotten any more crazy calls.
Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

Ouch ! :sick: Sorry to hear of the loss. Hopefully it will turn up.
Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!

Hey Chris,

Yup, this was your Lunasol 27. And she was a BEAUTY :(
Re: Lost my Lunasol 27....WISH me luck !!


:candle: :candle: :candle:

Hope you find it,