Love for the old LED lights?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 18, 2005
A lot of the younger member might not remember some of the older LED lights that were so very popular, but there were some real good'uns out there. What older LED lights do you still have, use and love?

My favorite oldies and still goodies are:

Inova X1 Tiros (various colors) - I love this old timer and its unique beam which was so handy. Still use these a lot around the house and have one for nighttime bathroom visits so I do not bother my wife.

Inova X0 Tiros - Again, just loved the old Tiros and the straight body which just fits so well in a pocket. Still carry one in each vehicle.

Inova X5 - Love the runtime and output on this old tank. Plus that same straight body which fits so great in a hip pocket. Still have one in each vehicle, one by my wifes bedside, and one (red) in my GHB.

Fenix L0P - not real old, but has been upgraded a number of times by Fenix so it is kind of lost to time. Carry this one in my pocket daily. I just cannot bring myself to replace it because, it works. It throws plenty of light for a pocket light, and is the same size as the Solitare it replaced. If it aint broke I dont plan on fixing it. I am not hung up on gotta have the newest and brightest, this little thing is a good friend who has saved my bacon a few times.

MJLED modded Minimags (AA and AAA) - I have half a dozen of these around the house. Mostly uses as loners for family. They are bright enough, have great runtimes, and are super user familiar as just about everyone has had one, or ten...

Photon II Microlights - I have a mess of these, and two on my keychain, white and red. They have been workhorses for more years than I can remember. Every single member of my family has at least one on their keys. I even occasionally have to replace batteries in one. These are one of those it aint broke dont plan on fixing it things.

Those are mine, what are your oldies you still love?

What are yours?
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None of these have really old LEDs in them, but they are not on the bleeding edge either.

I recently bought a NIB Fenix L0P from a CPF member. I really like the output of it.

I regularly use some Rayovac Sportsman Xtreme 1W 2xAA lights with the lowly Luxeon I LEDs in them. I think they are great.

Also perfectly happy with the Fenix P2D Premium 100 I bought from the same member I bought the L0P from.
I still have my Arc AAA on my one keychain. It was one of the earlier ones. It's dim and purple, but it's still kinda fun to use. My main keychain has a Fenix LOD-CE Q4 and Liteflux LF2 SSC. These aren't exactly old, but they aren't current models either.

I keep my old Inova 24/7 in my vehicle,even though the plastic around the battery compartment has cracked. I remember when I first got it for Christmas, a gift from my parents, and being impressed with how bright it was, and all the different modes. I wasn't technically a flashaholic back then, I just enjoyed gadgets like that.
Surefire L5 - This is the Luxeon V version, and mine is fortunate enough to have a very bright LED, warm-white tint, and perfect beam with no donut hole. It runs on protected 17670 cells, too. :)

Tektite 12 - These multi-5mm flashlights (also sold as Trek or Expedition) are the highest quality of the the "showerhead" type LED lights. It is not regulated, but it does use a resistor and a modest drive current to prolong the life of the LEDs. It has a perfectly white tint, which was almost unheard of at the time these lights were popular (~2003). I tried to sell this a while ago, but I'm not too disappointed that nobody wanted to take it. ;)


How could I forget the Streamlight Propolymer 4AA Luxeon?
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I still have my Peak Shasta, although I don't use it much anymore. I'm still looking for my Peak CR2 Brass Baltic. It's around here somewhere, but I've about given up. I loved that light.
No one can forget the Surefire KL1's, the KL3's and the KL4.

I still have these LED heads on lights and they work well but are far surpassed by the newer LED's in both efficiency and output.

I like the fact that the KL1's and KL3's work with 3 to 9 volts. The KL4 was a wall of light at the time. I use most of mine with CR123's as backup/stash away lights that can sit for years and be ready to go. Those heads were expensive at the time, costing as much then as brand new entire Fenix lights today.
Still have many oldies and love them all. Of course they go mostly unused these days. Lights like the CMG Infinity, the Arcs, Dorcy AAA, old Fenix's like the Civictor, E0, E1, and the UK4AA eLED still have use, but for me have stepped aside for the Cree's.

I still use my Surefire L2 every now and then. I Think my Jet-I Pro is brighter but you gotta love a Surefire.

I still use an original UK Mini-Q40 eLED as a handheld light for caving... It has a good beam shape, is just bright enough to be useful, and the regulation and runtime are fantastic. And it's dive-rated.

And my favorite light is my Surefire L4 Luxeon-V. Nice tint (especially at the time), an impressive beam, and 17670 compatibility make for a winning combination. I don't EDC it anymore, but it lives on my dresser, and I use it a LOT for underground photography. I will never sell this light.
I have an Inova X5 that sits by my back door. I frequently take it for short distance stuff like going into the garage.

I have an old Peak 1 x AA multi emitter light that is always in my car. Forgot the name (Matterhorn?) but it is the best light to change a tire with.

I have another Peak 1 x AAA 3 emitter light that is always on my key chain.

I also have an old 4 x AA, 2 led light called the Turtle Light II by now defunct LedCorp. 60 hours of light. Great emergency light, best camping light ever (numerous friends have borrowed it and said so). Waterproof, floats face up, fold out lanyard ring. Just a great light.

I also occasionally use a Peak Brass Carribean Lux III on a 2 x AA body with momentary switch. A beautiful old world type of light.

I also have a few years old Aleph 1 light with an SSC P4, two stage twisty all bare AL. Not that bright compared to stuff today, but perhaps the most gorgeous beam of all time for short to mid distance (single emitter).

Also have a LightWave 7 led light (2 x C) in a rubber armored body I keep downstairs for power outages. It'll run for days.
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How could I forget the Streamlight Propolymer 4AA Luxeon?

Awhile ago I found my PP in my daughters room. I forgot that when I lost it the first time it was when she was messing around with the light in the basement and left the power on. By the time I found the light the batteries had leaked and fubared the inside of the light. When I found it in her room I was really bummed out because I really liked the build and comfort of this light. It does not have a bezel that is made to look mid-evil, nor does it look like some crazy aluminium spaceship, but I still dig that black polymer.

This is one of the older LEDs, compare that luxeon to these new LEDs and its like a dinosaur. I mean come on, that propolymer eats up 4 AAs compared to lights now that produce just as much light for just as long on 2 AAs. Still, this is a light that I could throw into my tool bag and not worry about it getting beat up. I have been contemplating a new PP in my future.
Here's what I have:

--> Tektite with 4 (Luxeon?) white LEDs. This has been my mainstay for years. After constant use, I've changed the batteries once since I got it ten years ago. It's not very bright, but it's always there when I need it.

--> Tektite with 7 green LEDs. This is the one modeled after the Navy SEAL flashlight. Over the years it developed an odd problem whereby the LEDs are always emitting light, even if the bezel is unscrewed in the 'off' position. I have to totally remote the head to break the circuit. Even so, the thing still hasn't run out of batteries, and in ten years, have never changed them (admittedly, I don't use green lights that much). The Tektite 4 LED has the smae problem to an extent, but not as bad.

--> Photon Microlight II. Extremely useful, but it turns on in my pocket once in a while and drains its battery. I also beat it up a lot, but the thing keeps working and earns me MacGuyver points.

--> A tent light with two white LEDs and one red LED. I don't think it's sold anymore, and I don't remember the name, but there was a version with yellow LEDs as well. This light's battery holder latch broke in short order, but light is still pretty useful and puts out a soft light that's great for close work.

All of these were purchased at, back when it was owned by someone who cared about flashlights.
My oldies don't have names. They are the old multi-led purple or blue short range low ourput floods...and I still love em! Still love my old e20 (that I thought was outrageously expensive at the time) and my first powerhouse with the power to blind a desert cobra - the P1D.

A lot of the younger member might not remember some of the older LED lights that were so very popular, but there were some real good'uns out there. What older LED lights do you still have, use and love?

My favorite oldies and still goodies are:

Inova X1 Tiros (various colors) - I love this old timer and its unique beam which was so handy. Still use these a lot around the house and have one for nighttime bathroom visits so I do not bother my wife.

Inova X0 Tiros - Again, just loved the old Tiros and the straight body which just fits so well in a pocket. Still carry one in each vehicle.

Inova X5 - Love the runtime and output on this old tank. Plus that same straight body which fits so great in a hip pocket. Still have one in each vehicle, one by my wifes bedside, and one (red) in my GHB.

Fenix L0P - not real old, but has been upgraded a number of times by Fenix so it is kind of lost to time. Carry this one in my pocket daily. I just cannot bring myself to replace it because, it works. It throws plenty of light for a pocket light, and is the same size as the Solitare it replaced. If it aint broke I dont plan on fixing it. I am not hung up on gotta have the newest and brightest, this little thing is a good friend who has saved my bacon a few times.

MJLED modded Minimags (AA and AAA) - I have half a dozen of these around the house. Mostly uses as loners for family. They are bright enough, have great runtimes, and are super user familiar as just about everyone has had one, or ten...

Photon II Microlights - I have a mess of these, and two on my keychain, white and red. They have been workhorses for more years than I can remember. Every single member of my family has at least one on their keys. I even occasionally have to replace batteries in one. These are one of those it aint broke dont plan on fixing it things.

Those are mine, what are your oldies you still love?

What are yours?
Have grown fond of the ProPoly all over again. Also have the LightWave in C and D size as well. I really would like to try a SSC of XP-G in a ProPoly but have never seen one modded.
Still use the good old Propoly's. The four I have are all modded with Seouls so they have a lot more spill. I hand these out to my hunting Buds during late night tracking adventures. This would still be a popular torch if Streamlight decided to R2 it with an OP reflector.
My "old" light that still gets some use is my Peak Pacific AA. This is still a practical light and I like it. Probably about 6-7 years old.

A Streamlight 4AA gets some occasional use and a UK 4AA.

Once in a while I take out the Opalec Newbeam for comparison. I like to see how far LED technology has progressed with 5mm LED's. This is a good benchmark for the early stuff.

I still have an original first run Arc AAA that does not work - maybe once in a very rare occasion I can get it to light. I believe it is due to a design issue with the way the crip was done for the light engine.

I like my modded UK 2AAA light. It now has a Nichia GS LED and is very practical.
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The Streamlight ProPolymer 4AA Luxeon still AMAZES me with its incredible THROW ! ! !


That is certainly 40 Lumens of Well-Focused Luxeon goodness !

I have tree old brinkmman leds probely about ten lumens and I have two inova x1s and an inova bolt some riverrocks I also have a nebo