Loving my variable Wee. (Video)

Jay R

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 10, 2006
Bracknell, England.
OK, I confess, I got some QTC pills and modded my normal Wee myself. It works really well. Goes from barely visable ( even in pitch black ) to full brightness. Runtime on 'moonlight mode' must be weeks.

Here is the lowest I could take on my crap camera next to a trit.

Can't wait for Rob to produce the neater and more refined version that he is working on.

Next up are my three Alu Raws.
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Re: Loving my variable Wee.

Do want
Re: Loving my variable Wee.

Looks god. Do you have a link to instructions how to do it? I have bee off the forums for a while and have missed a few things it appears!
that looks sick! :hitit: Love the vid. Do you have a link of where to purchase the QTC pills and a quick how to on the mod?
When I did the video the QTC was just placed in the bottom of the Wee though this is not a lasting solution as it wears away with the twisting action. Since then I have refined it a bit in the Wee and made a much better solution for my Alu Raws ( more room to work with ) that will last permanently.
Can you post a picture of or a link to what the QTC looks like?
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Can you post a picture of or a link to what the QTC looks like?

As far as I can tell they are just little black squares, but I cant for the life of me find anywhere selling, at least this side of the Atlantic. A link would be great, I can think of all sorts of applications for this.
Are there any problems with the thickness of it? The only type I have been able to find has been 1.5mm thick, that seems too thick to go in a torch.
How thick are your ones from Rapid? I cant find them on their site.
Thanks for the link to MUTR, I might go for them but 1.5mm seems thick to me.
Try educational suppliers, like this one.

Haha, great minds, I already ordered from here and got them! The only problem is that I haven't gotten my RAW to go to 100% yet through these, I will watch the video when I finish work and compare this implementation!

Jay R, for mine I just glued them on to the circuit board contact for the rim of the torch, but removed them because "full brightness" wasn't there. I'd love to know what glue you used, how you arranged them and how close to full brightness yours reached?

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I received my Wee yesterday and set straight out to do this mod. All I can say is WOW! With the variable levels I think this is set to be my favourite light yet.
Rob's customer service was up to its usual high standards, after finalizing the details of my order it was in my hands the next day.
Whe I fired it up I was amazed, the level of quality in the design and manufacture of this light is immediately apparent, silky smooth threads and quality machine work. Well done Rob, this is a winner!
I was going to try putting a QTC in my Wee NS. MUTR want a minimum order of £10 and Rapidonline want £5 for shipping!

Anyone know anywhere else I can get one without paying a fortune in postage?


I was going to try putting a QTC in my Wee NS. MUTR want a minimum order of £10 and Rapidonline want £5 for shipping!

Anyone know anywhere else I can get one without paying a fortune in postage?



Where do you live SRC? I could split an order from Rapid with you if you want f you are in the UK, at least its only 2.50 shipping each then.