Low cost Buck driver with dimming control


Jul 26, 2009
Hi, I need a low cost (under 10 dollars) buck driver that operates up to 12V DC in and rated somewhere between 2 to 2.8 A. Must have provision to add a pot for dimming. Single mode preferred. Thanks
Please see this page. It's created and maintained by CPF member Torchboy. I'm not sure if such a driver exists for less than $10, but if it does, it will most likely be on the aforementioned page.
Under 10$? Hard find. Your best bet is to make your own driver or to modify one from deal extreme. ^ is a great list! Lots o people should be able to help you with making your own, if you own a soldering iron and solder, should be under 10$.

Modifying one from deal extreme could be next to free, but is going to take time, patience, and a multimeter/oscilloscope.