Lowes Task Force , ~2 years later...


Sep 6, 2005
Palo Alto, CA
Just thought I'd put up an entry level mod for the Lowes TF. Others have done this before, and this oldie has proven to be a capable mod host.



Stock TIR optic


1.4A 7135 board


26650 cell and spacer adapter drop right in with no cell rattle.



White wall. The beam on the left is a DIY P60 build in a cheap host that measured 204 Lumens (cold start) in MrGmans sphere. The beam on the right is the modded TF.

I'll post outdoor beamshots tonight if anyone is interested.
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That flashlight sure throws for it's price. Beam shots would be appreciated by me.:wave:

I have two of them. One for work to hand out to contractors to borrow and one at home to check the outdoor temperature every morning.

I also slowly ground all the rough sharp edges off one light on my grinder then sanded it smooth as glass. Totally changed the looks and feel of that light.

For $25.00 it is a GREAT light.
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Nice mod :thumbsup:

I like the WW shot of the modified Task force better than the P60.
I guess the optic makes it tighter and gets rid of the Cree ring?

We had the first Lowes in our region open last week.
I'm going to have to go over there and see if they stock the same items in Canada that they do in the US.
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Nice mod :thumbsup:

We had the first Lowes in our region open last week.
I'm going to have to go over there and see if they stock the same items in Canada that they do in the US.

I'm usually out that way once a week, but playing catch-up and
probably won't make it there till at least after Christmas. Let us
know of any lighting-related items that catch your eye. I'm not
big on expensive flashlights, more interested in LED AC bulb
replacements, the ones that last :D and don't cost a fortune.

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I love my task force! I have a cree r2 and a 1.4 amp 5 mode dx board in it. I made the same light for my best friends dad for his birthday. After almost 2 years, both still work like a charm, but mine is on its second r2 lol. Had a mishap with a dremel and the dome shot off :rolleyes: