yesterday i attempted my second de-engineering on a luxeon star (the first, a white, ended in tradgedy as i ripped the cover off of the base seperating the die from the power leads)...this second LS had been used a bit, it was the load for the first few ZLT+ iterations...
anyhow, i had been way overdriving this LS before i took it apart...before i had gotten the .1 ohm resistor to measure the current flow accuratly i had been driving this LS at .5A or more unknowingly...
so when i ripped the culminator holder off of the board the LS just popped off...i thought this was sort of odd because of the amount of effort i put into trying to remove the first LS from it's board...enough effort to destroy it utterly...
the thing is, it wasn't just the glue that had been seemingly compromised by the hightened heat, the leads had become de-soldered all by themselves...the LS seriously just fell off the board...
at first i put it down to lously QA over at luxeon, but now, thinking about this particular LS' history, i'm not so sure...
curious if anyone else has had any experience with something like this...makes me think twice about over-driving future LSes very much...
anyhow, i had been way overdriving this LS before i took it apart...before i had gotten the .1 ohm resistor to measure the current flow accuratly i had been driving this LS at .5A or more unknowingly...
so when i ripped the culminator holder off of the board the LS just popped off...i thought this was sort of odd because of the amount of effort i put into trying to remove the first LS from it's board...enough effort to destroy it utterly...
the thing is, it wasn't just the glue that had been seemingly compromised by the hightened heat, the leads had become de-soldered all by themselves...the LS seriously just fell off the board...
at first i put it down to lously QA over at luxeon, but now, thinking about this particular LS' history, i'm not so sure...
curious if anyone else has had any experience with something like this...makes me think twice about over-driving future LSes very much...