LSD Ni-MH Storage Lifetime?


Jan 31, 2005
GTA, ON, Canada
I hope this hasn't already been discussed in detail, but I'm not sure what keywords to search.

Basically, I'm wondering whether Ni-MH batteries- specifically the LSD variety- degrade from the moment they're produced like Li-Ion or if they will last years and years if they're not being used. That is to say, will the battery capacity will gradually decrease (or how fast it will) without use?
The short answer is that they haven't existed long enough for anyone to really know.

Speculation suggests that since NiMH cells degrade when they are empty of charge, and since LSD cells hold their charge for a long time, LSD cells seem to survive in storage for much longer than regular NiMH cells.

The best recorded result so far seems to be that new old cells are still good two years after manufacture. Ordinary NiMH cells are not expected to do that well.
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Thanks for the reply, Mr Happy. I hope they do prove to maintain their capacity then.

Here's a report by Mr Happy on the self-discharge of a set of Eneloops that he opened two years after they were manufactured:

When perusing the report, keep in mind that it's highly unlikely the cells were fully charged when they left the factory, which makes their remaining capacity even more impressive: eneloop.html#response