Luma Power DX1 light engine Qs


Sep 4, 2002
Shepherd, TX (where dat?)
I got (a heck of a deal on) a LumaPower DX1 from DonShock at the DFW Flashapalooza.

It has one engine most people figure is a LUX V and one K2 engine.

I was checking VF on the two and I'm not sure I believe this.

I saw 6.55 on the LUX V (if that's in fact what it is) and 3.22 on the K2.

Does this sound reasonable?

The K2 has better tint but doesn't seem as bright. It has a slightly tighter spot and so out in my quality dark back yard the two engines are similar.
6.3V on the emitter is what a LuxV would want. Another way to tell is look at the emitter. Compare it to a Lux3 or any other single die emitter. The LuxV emitter is made up of 4 seperate dice? and is easy to see.

I got (a heck of a deal on) a LumaPower DX1 from DonShock at the DFW Flashapalooza.......
That was Ledaholic, not me. And if you have a Vf of around 6V and can see 4 dies, it's gonna be a LuxV. I've got a couple LuxV lights and they just don't hold a candle to the Crees. But they are still nice for medium range floody lights.