LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 Review


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 29, 2004
I received the LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 a couple of weeks ago from Battery Junction.

I purchased the Turbo Head version.

The Signature TurboForce comes with an SMO reflector and the OP is also included. For this review I just shot beam shots with the SMO. Maybe later I can do some shots with the OP reflector. Using the SMO reflector this light has some throw. The beam has the usual Cree rings. The hot spot on my light is slight off centered. The beam looks nice and white. There is GITD o-ring installed behind the lens. BTW this uses a Cree Q5.

On the side of the body is the the 4 mode switch. The order of the modes is high, medium, low and strobe. The UI is very easy to use.

The on off switch in the rear of the light is a forward clickie that almost sits flush the tail cap assemby when in the off position. In the off position the rear rubber switch cover sticks out about 1.5mm. When the rear switch is turned on the light will sit on it's tail. The forward clickie is very easy to push. Positive click no mush. There is some lanyard holes in the tailcap assembly.

Also included is a holster. On the sides of the holster a thinner material is used. It's flexible and it's elastic. The velcro holds very good. The velcro on the holster is 1 3/8" x 3". The velcro on the flap is 1" x 2 3/4". There is a belt loop on the back which can be opened my a snap with a small piece of velcro on it. Wearing the holster on my belt with the Signature TurboForce installed the holster feels well balanced.

O-rings and a spare black rubber switch cover is included. A GITD rear rubber switch cover is installed on the light.

The finish is a shiny black Type III Hard Anodize. The finish is excellent no difference in colors between the body parts. Signature is printed on one of the flats and on the other flat is the word LumaPower with the serial number.

The fit is excellent. Threads are smooth.

The LumaPower Signature TurboForce fits my hand very good. Feels well balanced. It has one of the thinner battery tubes for a 18650 or a 2 CR123. The light does feel kind of slippery in my hand.

High Circuit Efficiency Without PWM Flickering. I cannot see any PWM fickering at any levels.

Wide Range Input Voltage (Fully Regulated At 4v to 10v, 2.4v-3.9v Semi Regulated). I did get a higher lux reading with one AW Protected 18650 than 2 AW Protected RCR123's in high mode. Usually it's the other way around, higher lux readings with 2 RCR123's. The lux readings in medium and low were higher with the AW Protected RCR123's.


Throws very well.

Comes with a OP reflector, holster, o-rings and rear rubber tailcap.

Uses a 18650 and RCR123's batteries. I had no problems with the batteries not fitting.

Easy to use UI.

Forward clickie.


Wish the light had some aggresive knurling. Feels slightly slippery in my hands.

Hot spot slightly off centered.






Comes with o-rings.


Comes with a holster.



Comes with the SMO reflector installed.


Comes with an OP reflector.


Uses a Cree Q5.



Rear view of the Cree Q5 module.


Fits my AW Black Protected 18650 and AW's RCR123's with no problems.


Inside view of the rear forward clickie.


It's very easy to change the reflectors. Just unscrew the lens bezel assembly.


Left, SMO Reflector. Right OP Reflector





Size comparisons.

Left to right, LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5, Olight M20 R2, Fenix TK11 Q5


Left to right, LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO, Olight M20 R2, SMO Fenix TK11 Q5 SMO



I took lux readings of the above lights.

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650, (high) - 11,820 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650, (medium) - 1040 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650, (low) - 300 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 2 RCR123's, (high) - 11,520 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 2 RCR123's, (medium) - 2140 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 2 RCR123's, (low) - 920 lux @ 1 meter

Olight M20 R2 18650 (high) - 8,380 lux @ 1 meter

Fenix TK11 Q5 18650 (high) - 7,310 lux @ 1 meter


Beam Shots

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650 @ 96"


Olight M20 R2 SMO 18650 @ 96"


Fenix TK11 Q5 SMO 18650 @ 96"


Left, LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650, Right, Olight M20 R2 SMO 18650 @ 96"


Left, LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650, Right, Fenix TK11 Q5 SMO 18650 @ 96"


Left, LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650, Right, Olight M20 R2 SMO 18650 @ 96" Stepped down exposure


Left, LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650, Right, Fenix TK11 Q5 SMO 18650 @ 96" Stepped down exposure



LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650 @ 32'


Olight M20 R2 SMO 18650 @ 32'


Fenix TK11 Q5 SMO 18650 @ 32'



LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650 @ 146' or 44.5 meters


Olight M20 R2 SMO 18650 @ 146' or 44.5 meters


Fenix TK11 Q5 SMO 18650 @ 146' or 44.5 meters



LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650 @ 210' or 64 meters


Olight M20 R2 SMO 18650 @ 210' or 64 meters


Fenix TK11 Q5 SMO 18650 @ 210' or 64 meters

Too bad it doesn't have more knurling. Good light, and good review!
Awesome pics and write-up as always!

The pics do a great job of telling the story of the throw capabilities of the Signature TF and the lux numbers make it crystal clear: throw monster!
Now im wanting one. If they made a 2xAA battery tube I think this would be one ultimate light. I wonder how the regular head performs.

I didnt see the option of buying the heads separately. I would think you would just get the basic and then buy the turbo head if you wanted that.

MattK, Do you sell the heads separately? I cant find them on your website.
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Now im wanting one. If they made a 2xAA battery tube I think this would be one ultimate light. I wonder how the regular head performs.

I didnt see the option of buying the heads separately. I would think you would just get the basic and then buy the turbo head if you wanted that.

MattK, Do you sell the heads separately? I cant find them on your website.

Check out this link.

If you purchase the LumaPower Signature without the TurboHead you can purchse the TurboHead for $12.00 with SMO reflector.
Thanks again for another great review ernsanada, this looks like a tempting light to buy.
First the D-Mini and now this... seems that LP remains the king of small throwers.
Elegant, eye appeal, sophisticated, mature and capable. A light to make your tactical lights look, well, military-like.

My smooth-finished side clickies are my favorites and this is the best side clicky I've seen.

Thank you kindly ernsanada.

Elegant, eye appeal, sophisticated, mature and capable. A light to make your tactical lights look, well, military-like.

My smooth-finished side clickies are my favorites and this is the best side clicky I've seen.

Thank you kindly ernsanada.


OMG you're going to make Ricky's day in about 10 hours.

The design philosophy for this light was to make, in Ricky's words, a "gentleman's light".
Something that had all of the capability of a 'tactical light' but that didn't need to look like a pseudo weapon. A light that could be carried by a professional or a service-person...more James Bond than Rambo if you will.
There are varying levels of the OP (orange peel) texture used. Heavy OP and mild OP. The heavy OP will have a much smoother beam but the brightness of the beam will be less compared to a mild OP.

The LumaPower Signature TurboHead uses a mild OP.

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650, (high) - 11,820 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 OP 18650, (high) - 10,032lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650 @ 96"


LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 OP 18650 @ 96"

Hi ernsanada,

Thank you for very nice pictures and great review.

Best regards,

Ricky - Lumapower CS
OMG you're going to make Ricky's day in about 10 hours.

The design philosophy for this light was to make, in Ricky's words, a "gentleman's light".
Something that had all of the capability of a 'tactical light' but that didn't need to look like a pseudo weapon. A light that could be carried by a professional or a service-person...more James Bond than Rambo if you will.

Excellent Review and Photographs, Ernsanada !


This is the LumaPower Signature Small Head.





LumaPower Signature Small Head SMO Reflector.


LumaPower Signature Small Head OP Reflector.


These are the 2 reflectors.

Left, SMO. Right, OP


Left, SMO. Right, OP


It's very easy to change the reflectors. I like to use a pick. Counterclockwise to remove, clockwise to install.


These are the lux readings I got.

When I took the lux readings for the small head I used AW's Black Protected 18650's.

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650, (high) - 11,820 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650, (medium) - 1040 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650, (low) - 300 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 2 RCR123's, (high) - 11,520 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 2 RCR123's, (medium) - 2140 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 2 RCR123's, (low) - 920 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 SMO 18650, (high) - 5640 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 SMO 18650, (medium) - 540 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 SMO 18650, (high) - 160 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 OP 18650, (high) - 4420 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 OP 18650, (medium) - 300 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 OP 18650, low) - 10 lux @ 1 meter

LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 SMO 18650 @ 96"


LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 OP 18650 @ 96"


LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 SMO 18650 @ 31'


LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 OP 18650 @ 31'


LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 SMO 18650 @ 146' or 44.5 meters


LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 OP 18650 @ 146' or 44.5 meters


I only shot the LumaPower Signature Small Head at 146'. Due to the lower lux readings compared to the LumaPower Signature TurboForce Head.

If you want throw go for the LumaPower Signature TurboForce.
Many thanks for this nice review! :thumbsup:

For me it would be a reason not to buy this light, when it already
felt slippery in your hands.
In these these beam shots I am comparing the 2 SMO's the TurboForce and the Small Head.

The 31" the hot spot looks brighter with the TurboForce.

At 146' or 44.5 meters you can see the difference.

LumaPower Signature TurboForce SMO Reflector


LumaPower Signature Small Head SMO Reflector.


LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650 @ 96"


LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 SMO 18650 @ 96"


LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650 @ 32'


LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 SMO 18650 @ 31'


LumaPower Signature TurboForce Q5 SMO 18650 @ 146' or 44.5 meters


LumaPower Signature Small Head Q5 SMO 18650 @ 146' or 44.5 meters

After doing a lot of reading on this wonderful forum, I just placed an order for the Lumapower Signature Turboforce!

Can't wait for it to arrive! In the meantime, I have been searching around for any run-time data on this light....could anyone point me in the right direction?


Just received an answer to my own question from Ricky at Lumapower :D

[FONT=&quot]Runtime : 150 minutes High-out to 50% with 1x18650 2200mAh[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]75 minutes High-out to 50% with 2 x 123A (Duracell Ultra).[/FONT]

Thanks for the quick response to my e-mail Ricky :clap: