I"m still new to the flashaholic scene myself, but I just recently purchased my first Luma Power flashlight. The LP-Mini SE, with Q5 Cree! Purchased it from Battery Junction. My first impression was WOW! Great looking and manufacturing. A BEAUTY!
However, I did have two issues with it.
The first thing I did was put the SMO reflector in before firing her up. After doing so I found that the diameter of the reflector was just a hair too large and would not fit inside the head. Ended up sanding the outside ring of the reflector just a little to make a snug fit. Easy fix, and nobody will ever know, unless you take out the reflector

My only other issue is that I thought it would be brighter than my Novatac 120P. 120 lumens versus 175...? My Novatac is a bit brighter in my opinion, but the LP's throw is very nice. Everything seems replaceable and upgradable in this light with VERY good quality!
I now find myself looking and wanting the MRV SE very much so myself!
What does all this tell you? Even a couple small issues will not hold me back from getting more Luma Power flashlights. I think you will enjoy the MRV, just as much I know I will!