

Newly Enlightened
Aug 31, 2006
hi all i am looking to buy a new light i like surefire but was looking at the brand lumapower what is your take on this brand ? are they made in the usa, i like the looks of the mvr let me know what you think of this brand
hi all i am looking to buy a new light i like surefire but was looking at the brand lumapower what is your take on this brand ? are they made in the usa, i like the looks of the mvr let me know what you think of this brand

Fantastic brand. Great build quality. Great value for the dollar. Made in China, but dont take that to mean it is not built very well. I have a MRV and it has proven to be my most capable outdoor light. You can get both a smooth and OP reflector for either throw or a smooth beam. You can also order from LP directly by PMing Ricky (Lumapower on CPFMP) or order thru Matt at (CPF2006 for a coupon code to get 5% off.)
I am waiting for my sixth Lumapower and I am very happy with the brand. :thumbsup:

I only have the small ones. Excellent finish and overall construction, more attention to beam quality than throw. IMHO among the best EDC lights and you can buy them for a very reasonable price. :)
The MRV was the first long throw light that used a deep reflector.

The MRV is built nice. You can feel the heft of the light in you hands.

The D-Mini was the first light that used a Cree and at the time it had amazing trow for such a small light.

Lumapower had innovated a lot of ideas that other companies that have used for their sucess.

Number one being they always listened to their customers and put their idea's very fast into the market.

I think I have most of their lights and like them all.
I"m still new to the flashaholic scene myself, but I just recently purchased my first Luma Power flashlight. The LP-Mini SE, with Q5 Cree! Purchased it from Battery Junction. My first impression was WOW! Great looking and manufacturing. A BEAUTY!

However, I did have two issues with it.

The first thing I did was put the SMO reflector in before firing her up. After doing so I found that the diameter of the reflector was just a hair too large and would not fit inside the head. Ended up sanding the outside ring of the reflector just a little to make a snug fit. Easy fix, and nobody will ever know, unless you take out the reflector :whistle:.

My only other issue is that I thought it would be brighter than my Novatac 120P. 120 lumens versus 175...? My Novatac is a bit brighter in my opinion, but the LP's throw is very nice. Everything seems replaceable and upgradable in this light with VERY good quality!

I now find myself looking and wanting the MRV SE very much so myself!

What does all this tell you? Even a couple small issues will not hold me back from getting more Luma Power flashlights. I think you will enjoy the MRV, just as much I know I will!
I really like my Lumapower lights. I have a D-Mini, Formula1, LM31, and Avenger.

The Avenger is the only one that I have any issues with. Despite the kit to provide better battery contact when using the clickie switch it still remains buggy when using 10440 batteries. That may be due to the fact that the 10440 batteries have a flatter button than do normal AAA's.

In any case like the others have said, their build quality is great and I'm pretty sure I'm going to cave in and grab the IncenDio because I'm a real sucker for 1x123 based lights that can use rechargeables. Add to that 3 modes with memory and no SOS/strobe and I think I might have a new EDC.
These are all my Lumapower Lights.


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