Lumen Factory EO-9 quit working


Newly Enlightened
Jan 10, 2009
Eagle River, AK
My wife dropped (accidentally) my Surefire G3 with a Lumen Factory EO-9 bulb in it on to ice from about three feet. Now the bulb does not work and it is only about a month old. :confused: I can only assume the filament broke but it is hard to tell because the top of the bulb is frosted. Anybody else do anything similar with a Lumen Factory bulb where the it did/didn't stop working? I'd like to know if it is worth ordering another.
I'd suggest getting a lanyard or a shock isolated bezel if you're gonna drop your lights a bunch. the bulb probably blew, and yes it's probably worth it to get another.
I don't generally drop anything but I have no control over what stays in my wife's hands. I also use my flashlights for shooting (we have a lot of darkness in the winter in AK) and don't want them blowing out because I am holding it next to a firearm. Do they make replacement shock isolated bezels? I have never seen them except on flashlights from the factory.
the M2 bezel and the Z23 are shock isolated, I would recommend the Z23 for your purposes.
Do you mount your EO-9 host (flashlight) to your rifle? If so you might want to think about a shock isolated bezel. If not, using it with a handgun shouldn't be a problem.
If you don't already have one, I suggest you purchase a digital multi meter. You don't need an especially good one. Then you can check continuity across the leads. And you will find plenty more to do with it.
i had the same LA. i don't think it was miss handled but it just quit on me after 2 weeks i think. i had an HO-4 that went after a couple of months. oh well, some one some where is making another just like it at this very moment. this is the price we pay to enjoy incans.
i'm currently running a SR-9 (very p91ish), and an H0-E2R LA that just keep going and going in spite of almost daily use for the past 4 month. LF lamps are great and i don't think that normal use will have an ill effect on them.
i can't speak from 1st hand experience re: there use with fire arms but i'll bet they can take more punishment than this isolated experience with the EO-9 leads you to believe.
the M2 bezel and the Z23 are shock isolated, I would recommend the Z23 for your purposes.

surefire designed their "shock isolation" bezels to be impervious to frontal shock...much like that of recoil from a gun...but I can't say for sure how the design helps with lateral or side shocks.

My M6 is shock isolated, but it didn't protect the 1185 sitting in it when I dropped it:shakehead
The lamp IS REPLACEABLE. Check with LF as I'm pretty sure they are the only source for just the lamp (bulb). You can order another for around $5. Don't throw the whole module away.
surefire designed their "shock isolation" bezels to be impervious to frontal shock...much like that of recoil from a gun...but I can't say for sure how the design helps with lateral or side shocks.

My M6 is shock isolated, but it didn't protect the 1185 sitting in it when I dropped it:shakehead
afaik, there is only foam in the front, yes, I don't think it would help with the other types of shock.
I have not tried it yet as I'm still on my original lamp but according to Mark, who also sold me replacement bi-pin lamps, they are replaceable. I wasn't aware soldering was required. In fact, I don't see where soldering is even possible. That blob under the spring is not solder.

After looking at it just now, I'm starting to wonder if Mark was thinking about a different module altogether.

Just try pulling it out with pliers. If it already doesn't work, you have nothing to lose!
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I have not tried it yet as I'm still on my original lamp but according to Mark, who also sold me replacement bi-pin lamps, they are replaceable. I wasn't aware soldering was required. In fact, I don't see where soldering is even possible. That blob under the spring is not solder.

After looking at it just now, I'm starting to wonder if Mark was thinking about a different module altogether.

Just try pulling it out with pliers. If it already doesn't work, you have nothing to lose!

It didn't work. The blob on the bottom looks like it could be some form of hot glue. Maybe if you heat it up pull out the bulb, put in the new one and let it re-harden, it might work.
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I understand that but I have never found just the bezel for sale. Anybody know where you can find a shock isolated bezel with out buying the whole light?
Surefire sells them.
I'll copy/paste from a reply I made the other day.

May have to give them the part #, which is: 13586-11<<<Doug, that's the black type II ano version
The natural HA is: 13586-1<<<<that's what comes on the M2
I don't know the designation for the black HA version for weaponlights.