Lumens Factory HO E1A & HO A2 Lamps


Aug 25, 2009
I recieved those 2 bulbs today from Lighthound Inc.
So tonight I gave them a little testing.

Compared to the factory Sure Fire lamp the HO E1A is brighter.
My wife was 50 yards from me and she comfirmed that when I shined both of them toward her. The LF bulb has good color and better throw than the factory bulb. Compairing them side by side at the same time confirmed that.

The HO A2 lamp for the SF A2 Aviator also seem brighter, not twice as bright, but usefully brighter and with better throw than the factory bulb. It still has the great spill/flood [I hope I am using the correct CPF terms] of the Aviator.

Compared with a stock 6P the 6P seems to have better throw, but I think the beam of the A2 is a better beam for a "personal" light.

The LF HO A2 just adds to the quality of light comming out of the A2 Aviator.

My results are unscientific, but I think both bulbs increase the performance of these lights, at least to MY eyes. [And I did have BOTH of them open :eek:oo:].

Also I put a little piece of paper rolled around the batteries in both lights and I am going to keep track of how many batteries I use before the lights burn out, and this will also tell me how many 123's I use in these lights over a perod of time as well.

So from a non techie, but a serious, user of flashlights, I like these bulbs and think they are worth a look.

Thanks to all of the CPF folks that recommended them to me.
Now I think you are beginning to see how modding and using some aftermarket parts has its rewards! :thumbsup:
Can someone explain how to remove the A2 bulb? It looks like it's in the head pretty firmly. I don't want to break anything.
Just unscrew the head, and tap it a few times on the desk and the bulb should fall out.

There is nothing (no screws, clips, etc) holding it in other than a bit of friction. If you have to gently pry it out with your fingernail that would be OK, you should not need any tools other than your nail.
Further adventures with the SF E1e and the A2, with the Lumens Factory bulbs.

I did not get home last night till around Midnight.
So I put on my TacTikka head light, grabbed the G2L I am using as a battery Vampire, and went out to check on my ducks and llamas.

I had the E1e and the A2 in my pockets as they are both my EDC, when I leave the place.

I used the A2 to find the ducks, they were on the shallow end of the pond about 85 yards or so away. The LF bulb threw plenty of light to see them.

Then I tried the E1e. I was suprised that I could see the white ducks that are in the group with it as well.

This was the first time I had had the E1e "turned on" with the new bulb out in the field away from ambient house light.

These new LF bulbs make quite a bit of difference. I have been using these lights as my primary EDC's for several years in their stock form, and with these new bulbs I lke them even more.
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Such are the wonders of Lumens Factory :twothumbs

I love my HO-A2 as well. If you really want to give your E1E some punch, get an EO-E1R and some IMR cells (~20 min runtime, but rechargeable).

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